YauMaTei-Aerial  油麻地.jpg

Starting from the lower right corner -boats and Yau Ma Tei Shelter, Ferry Street now in name only due to land reclamation, a bit up along the right edge was the two-storey police station, next the white-wall red-roof building with one row of windows the Kwong Ming 光明 Theatre, and connected to it Tai Yat  第一 Theatre.  Both theatres closed in 1964 so this photo was taken prior, more likely in 1950s (please correct if not).  This photo shows many places of interest.  OldTimer.  Source: Discuss.com.hk

Date picture taken


It was before 1951 when the Kowloon Methodist Church was built.


It was after 1938 when those King's Park Refugee Camps were built


That means 1938-1951

By the way, South Kowloon Magistracy (1936) was already there
