1920s Victoria Peak

Date picture taken


This is the best photo I've come across of No. 10 & 11 The Peak, the three storey block on the left. Its terrace wall is prominant and is still there today (see www.gwulo.com/node/23938).

In addition to the Weather & Signal Stations ontop of the Peak are;

1. Haystack (single storey, white, building half way up the right edge of the pic).

2. Meirion (darker building breaking ridge line directly above Haystack).

3. Bahar Lodge (white single storey building to the left of and slightly above 2).

David, to my understanding I can't add this pic to the "Places" of the above named buildings. Would you mind doing so, or tell me how to do it, please. 


Yes, at the moment only the person who uploaded the photo or the site admin (that's me!) can add Places to a photo. I have an idea for changing this which I hope to have working by the end of the year. Til then, please leave a note in the comments and I'll add the Places if the original uploader doesn't beat me to it.

Regards, David