Bahar Lodge [1890-????]

Submitted by annelisec on
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date completed

Photos that show this Place



Earlier photos show it with a small second storey and a pitched roof, but in later photos the second storey is gone and the building has a flat roof.

I'm not sure if "Bahar Lodge" was built on RBL 58 or 59, but they were neighboring lots and were both put up for public auction on the same day, 2nd July 1888, auction results unkn0wn. The earliest mention of "Bahar Lodge" that I've found is on Page 3 of The Hong Kong Telegraph of 17th April 1890 which advertised "Bahar Lodge" for rent, suggesting its construction had been completed.

Therefore "Bahar Lodge" was constructed at sometime between 2nd July 1888 and 17th April 1890.