Old Peak Road 1919 - from Branksome Towers (I think)

A great view of (Old) Peak Road in 1919. One of a group I found taken at the time of the Peace Celebrations.

On the far left the garden of Mr Brewin's House,

I'm guessing the house to the left as called Valverde - one of the managers for Hong Kong land lived there.

Tregunter is the 3 story block, and there's a second block above and behind it, at right angles.

To the right of that is Friston Cottage, which was damaged in WWII.

The house in the center is on the site of Abermore Court (1905-1930).

At the bottom is Clovelly, which faces onto the LRC.

To the right of these are Luginsland, Victoria Lodge, St Andrews and the Charter House.

Date picture taken
19 Jul 1919


I don't know how to "tag" the buildings in this photo - IL stands for "Inland Lot" -  But the ones I can identify are: (from the left)

Charter House - IL 1218 (divided off IL 1093, and built before Victoria Lodge)

Victoria Lodge - IL 1093

St. Andrew's (above) - IL 1146

Luginsland - IL 1147

Clovelley Court (bottom mid left) - IL 1206


Hi Annelise, please can I check if you meant 'from the right' instead of 'from the left'? From the previous comments I thought that Charter House was the one on the far right of this photo - or have I got them mixed up?

Your comments are the best way to tag photos for now. I like the way you can tag directly on the photo in Flickr, but I don't see any easy way to add that feature to this site.

Regards, David

David, I think you are correct that Charter House is the furthest to the right. It had a distinctive porte-cochere which appears to be evident in the photo. I have some external and internal photos of Charter House from the 1920s when my grandparemts lived there but I'm not sure how to post them. Regards, Keith

I'll add a picture of the house on the left (I think) with the two sloped roofs and timber. I found it in my grandparents' photo album from the twenties. On the photo they write it was on May Road and that they had been swimming there in a swimming pool on the left of the buidling (they lived in Tragunter Mansions on 2, May Road themselves). They also noted that the tennis court on the right of the buidling belonged to the owner of the flats. (I'll add the photo tagged May Road)