List of people

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Alias / nickname Given Family Sort descending Maiden DoB DoD Sex
Pamela Therese Pritchard Female
Thomas Pritchard Male
Edwin Alfred Pritchard Male
Elizabeth Esther Pritchard / Miskin Baines Female
John Ronald Probert Male
Geoffrey Ernest Proes Male
Flo Florence Alice Proulx Simmons Female
Roger Proulx Male
Michael Albert Proulx Male
Benny Benjamin Charles Albert Proulx Male
Walter Pryde Male
Pryde Female
Bruce Hale Puckle Male
Leslie Isobel Puckle Bremner Female
Eric W Pudney Male
Margaret Wheeldon Pugh Wheeldon Female
Pullen Male
Alexander Bruce Purves Male
Lancelot Dryden Purves Male
Johhny John Murray Purvis Male
Mathew Elliott Purvis Male
Joseph Sterling Pyne Male
Alice Elaine Pyne Neilson Female
Francis "Frank" William Quark Male
Oz Oswald Jackson Quick Male