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Commissioner of Police John Pennefather-Evans and Inspector Louis Whant are released from Stanley Prison and returned to the Camp in the morning. They'd been arrested on July 11 and June 28 respectively on suspicion of being involved with either the secret radios or the ration truck message system.

The other arrestees are handed over from the Gendarmes to the Prisons Department and interogated by the public prosecutor (Kogi). For the next two months they'll be held in the ' B' Block of Stanley Prison awaiting trial.


Statement of W.J. Anderson in Hong Kong Public Records Office, HKRS 163-1-104, page 16, point 129; George Wright-Nooth, Prisoner of the Turnip Heads, 1994, 177-178

"Goodness, How Sad" by Robert Morley (Pam Pritchard, Nora Witchell, Dr. Valentine, Eve Gray, Mrs. Tinson, T.V.N. Fortescue, J.A. Stericker, Mrs. Graham-Barrow (p), Norman (a), Mills (a) ) ((Not sure who the last two names refer to, though Norman is probably C J Norman, who took part in several plays at Stanley.))

Cloudy, warm, showery.

Much talk re private plans among women leaving.

Play at St Stephen’s, Steve played there too. Talk with Mary till he returned.

Roumanian Army packed up?