Everything tagged: shop house

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Pages tagged: shop house

Corner of Amoy Street & Queen's Road East [????- ]

Submitted by tngan on Thu, 10/02/2008 - 00:59

These three had been marked as Government Property and I thought had been demolished together with the Lee Tung Street/Chun Yuen Street buildings.  Obviously one of the shops is still being used by some charity or local group selling used items and/or organic vegetables.  There is a guard post in one of the blocks.

Corner of Wing Kut & Des Voeux Central [????- ]

Submitted by tngan on Wed, 10/01/2008 - 23:21

This one was mentioned by fellow netter philk earlier.  The height of this block is one floor extra than most of the ones that we have been marking up here.  I had had a glimsp of the stair case and it also appeared to be made of wood.  I cannot verify the building date of this by it's looks as it had been modernized in the past decades.