#72 Des Voeux Road Central, Tak Wing Pawn Shop - Since 1940 [1940- ]

Submitted by tngan on
Current condition
In use
Date completed

Photos that show this Place



That's a good view from a different angle. The 'flagpole' makes for a distinctive landmark, so I looked through our photos tagged 'tram'. Sure enough it shows up in a few more photos - I've added them to the 'Photos that show this place' above.

No sign of the flagpole in the recent photos, but the square base with the layered effect is still there.

ACtually, look carefully and you will see that the other shophouse further up the road (on the corner with Wing Kut ST) that has a 7-11 on the ground floor does still have its roof spike.

I walked past earlier and T's photo (http://gwulo.com/node/2235) confirms it.