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Pages tagged: mill

Nan Fung Cotton Mill, Tsuen Wan [c.1954- ]

Submitted by LizB on

The Nan Fung Cotton Mills were established in 1954 at 45 Pak Tin Par St, Tsuen Wan, where they still stand today.

By 1970, six mills had been constructed on the site. In 2008, they ceased operation and the buildings were used as warehouses.

From 2014-2018, the buildings underwent restoration and revitalisation for adaptive reuse as a cultural hub, which is now called 'The Mills' and is open to the public. The project received an award for 'New Design in Heritage Contexts' from UNESCO in 2019. 


Industrial heritage in Hong Kong

Submitted by LizB on

I am putting together a list of past industrial sites (and some present ones) in Hong Kong, with links to the relevant Gwulo pages (or if there is no dedicated Gwulo page for them yet, Public Works Department Annual Reports). There is already a very comprehensive list on the Industrial History of Hong Kong website - my list is just trying to group together relevant Gwulo pages and PWD sources.  For now, I have not included sites such as godowns, wharves, piers, electricity substations, etc as they are so numerous that it would be a time-consuming task.