(Grand) Carlton Hotel - IL 644 [1908-1922]

Submitted by annelisec on
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date completed
Date closed / demolished
(Day & Month are approximate.)

moddsey wrote:

The Hotel that occupied 8-10 Ice House Road was called the Grand Carlton Hotel. It opened on 1 October 1908 and was under the management of the Kowloon Hotel. More info from the Hong Kong Telegraph dated 9 September 1908.

In this postcard, you can see the Duddell Street Steps.


1924: The Carlton Hotel on IL 644, Ice House street, was nearing completion, and partly occupied

1945 : City guide and descriptions of: Tientsin, Shanghai, Peking, ...

 Carlton Hotel (a well appointed family hotel) on Ice House Stree


The German speaking community in Hong Kong

This article describes lawsuits against a German woman who ran various hotels.

... Mr. O.E. Owen then proprietor of the Grand Carlton Hotel ..."Grand Carlton Hotel"

[PDF] sunzi.lib.hku.hk/hkjo/view/44/4402104.pdf


Photos that show this Place



I think we're mixing up two different Places here:

  1. Grand Carlton Hotel at 8-10 Ice House Road, roughly where the HK Diamond Exchange builiding is today. Opened 1908.
  2. Carlton Hotel across Duddell Street on IL 644, completed around 1924.

Regards, David

Here's what I've found up to 1925:


Carlton House, 10 Ice House Street

On 1st July, the new, 16-bedroom hotel named Carlton House opens in the building at 10, Ice House Street. It is run by Mr B F Howard. The building was previously known as the City Club.

Page 4, The China Mail, 1904-07-02


Carlton House, 8 & 10 Ice House Street.

A liquor licence application shows the hotel had already expanded into the second building by this time: "From one HARRY MICHAEL RING for an Adjunct Licence to sell by retail intoxicating liquors on premises numbered 8 and 10, Ice House Street, under the sign of 'The Carlton House'".

Item 517, 1907 Government Gazette


Grand Carlton Hotel, 8 & 10 Ice House Street

The old Carlton House was taken over by Mr Owen, proprietor of the Kowloon Hotel. It was renovated and was to reopen under the name "Grand Carlton Hotel". The article notes the two buildings were divided by Duddell Street.

Page 4, The Hong Kong Telegraph, 1908-09-09


Carlton Hotel, 8 & 10 Ice House Street

There are two entries at this address in the 1914 Jurors List. both of which use "Grand Carlton Hotel". The two entries in the 1915 Jurors List use the shorter title, "Carlton Hotel".


A fire in Duddell Street spreads to the upper building (described as the Carlton Hotel Annexe), and severely damages it.

Page 1, The Hong Kong Telegraph, 1922-08-01

The Carlton Hotel continues in business in the lower building.


Work begins on re-building the upper building, located on IL 644.

Item 41, 1923 PWD AR


The new building was nearly finished, and partly occupied.

Item 42, 1924 PWD AR


Hotel Metropole

The reconstruction is completed, and the name changes to Hotel Metropole.

Item 42, 1925 PWD AR

The Hotel Metropole opens on 24th August. It's a new, six-storey building on the site of the old Carlton Hotel Annexe. They plan to expand by acquiring two floors in Ruttonjee's Building next door.

Page 1, The Hong Kong Telegraph, 1925-08-24


The newspapers announced that Carlton Hotel was about to sell its furniture by auction, so the hotel would go out of business.

Page 1, The Hong Kong Telegraph, 1929-06-28