'See more photos of this ...' not showing

Submitted by moddsey on Thu, 11/03/2022 - 15:31

If I proceed to the place location of the Ambassador Hotel at https://gwulo.com/node/7217#17~22.29576~114.17251~Map_by_GovHK-Markers~100 I can only view 3 photos of the Hotel under "Photos that show this place" whereas if I go to the Princess Theatre for example at https://gwulo.com/node/3048#17~22.30015~114.17228~Map_by_GovHK-Markers~100 there is a link at the bottom to "See more photos of this place". Strange, but now the link to view more photos of the Princess Theatre has also disappeared.

Moddsey, this one works for me using Microsoft Edge. But I sometimes have the same problem that only 3 photos are displayed. The only way to overcome this is to use the button "Photos" at the top of the place page. Then I can see all photos. (sorry, can't give an example)

I have managed to recreate the issue on my laptop (win 10 using Chrome), seems a bit random though. Sometimes when I go to a place the "see more photos" link is there, but then disappears when I refresh the page, and other times it doesn't appear at all.

I've also seen this happen on a Place today. I was logged in as Admin, and refreshing the page didn't help. I logged out then back in, and the link reappeared.

I've just tried changing a setting. I'm not convinced it will make a difference, but let's see - please let me know if it happens again, which page you were looking at, and whether you were logged in or not. It may also happen on pages for People, Events, etc.  (The change I made was View > Photos of Place > Block > Pager > Link display, changed from None to Page).

A reminder that the "See more photos of this place" is only shown if the Place has four or more photos. If it only has three or less, there aren't any more, so no link is shown.

Also that, as Klaus noted, you can always click the "photos" tab at the top of the page as a workaround. Still, that is only a workaround, I'd rather find and fix the problem.