24 - 26 Feb 1944, Chronology of Events Related to Stanley Civilian Internment Camp

Submitted by David on

A poster for the play "A Midsummer Night's Dream", performed today, tomorrow, and the day after. This copy provided by Barbara Anslow.

The poster reads:

A play call'd

A Midsommer Night's Dreame

As it hath been sundry times publickely acted by the Lord Chamberlaine his servants

Written by William Shakespeare

Produced by James Norman

Dances arranged by Carol Bateman

Music Arranged by Elizabeth Drown

Costumes: Christine Corra

Woodland Scenery: E.M.B. Dyson

Stage Manager: Jock Fraser

Lighting Direction: Reg Butler

In the Great Hall of Saint Stephen's upon February 24th (Ye Buff), 25th (Ye Pink), and 26th (Ye Blue)

At 5:45 PM very promptly.

Date(s) of events described