"BCMS missionaries with Bishop Ronald Hall"

Superintendent of the BCMS Foundling Home and Senior Missionary, Miss Elizabeth Lucas (2nd row centre) is sitting next to Bishop Ronald Hall on her left. 

Also in the picture are (Back row - L to R) Grace James (33-39), Mildred Dibden (31-34), unknown man, unknown woman, Barbara Lomas (31-36), Nora Bromley* (33-35, later Braga).

2nd row - L to R : Noel Braga (visitor), Elizabeth Lucas (24-33), Ronald Hall.

Front row - L to R:  Unknown woman, Margery Bennett (33-40, later Hook).

Lilian Barrett (29- )and Lucy Baird (25- ) are possibly present as well. 

I suspect the location is the Foundling Home at 24 Broadwood Road, HK. It is described as a 'palatial' house in western style, and Broadwood Road would account for the view to the right.  This house was a base for missionaries going up-country as well as being a children's home.  They would stay here for language learning and other preparation.

The dates of the different periods of service are useful confirmation of the date of this picture (1933) eg Grace James and Nora Bromley both started in 1933 whereas Elizabeth Lucas ended her service in 1933.  The white suits would suggest the pic was taken in the summer months.

Thanks to Stuart Braga for help with dating and putting names to faces.

*For more on Nora Bromley see here.

Date picture taken


I realised that when I posted this pic originally, I had straightened and cropped it and it had cut off a possibly crucial bit of background in the distance , which could give Team Gwulo some very useful info.  So I have posted the original pic instead.  Am I right in thinking we're looking south towards the Wong Nei Chung Gap or is it all just a bit too hazy?