The Council of Women at the YMCA, 19th October 1953

Good morning all! Here is a photo of the Hong Kong Council of Women of the YWCA, 19th October 1953. The picture was taken at the Hotung residence, 'Idlewild'.

Front row, L-R:

  1. ???
  2. Mrs Violet Lucy Chan, who is just behind
  3. Irene Cheng, and
  4. Freda Gwilliam (front centre).
  5. ???
  6. ???
  7. ???

2nd row, L-R:

  1. ???
  2. ???
  3. ???
  4. ???
  5. ???

3rd row, L-R:

  1. ???
  2. ???
  3. ???
  4. ???
  5. ???

4th row, L-R:

  1. ???
  2. ???
  3. Mrs May Woo
  4. ???
  5. ???
  6. Mrs Pauline Yee
  7. ???
  8. ???

5th row, L-R:

  1. ???
  2. ???
  3. ???
  4. ???
  5. ???
  6. ???

Back row, L-R:

  1. turned sideways: ???
  2. ???
  3. turned sideways: ???
  4. lower down: ???
  5. ???
  6. ???
  7. ???
  8. ???
  9. only top of face visible: ???
  10. turned away from camera: ???
  11. ???
  12. ???
  13. ???

Others identified in the photograph: 

Ann Crozier wears a white hat at the left-hand side of the second row.

Hedda Morrison? - I think that the woman standing second from the right in the second row (black v-neck), could be Hedda Morrison. Although she and her husband Alastair were living in Sarawak at the time, they travelled extensively in China. Hedda, who took extensive photographs of Hong Kong in 1946-7, may have been visiting again when this photo was taken in 1953. (See ).

Daisy Jex The woman to her right (white necktie), is thought to be Daisy Jex. 

Cecile Madge Newcombe: Back row, looking to our left (plump face, wearing glasses)

Nellie Ling Shaw - back row, three in from the right, black hair, looking downward

Kwok Ting Yue - in front of Nellie Shaw, wearing glasses, face partially covered by the person in front. 

Tseung Fat In - to Kwok Ting Yue's left (as we look at her), just to the right of the centre of the photograph, wearing glasses and dark lipstick, looks downwards to our left 

Hedda Morrison? - to Tseung Fat In's left, just in front of Cecile Madge Newcombe. She wears lapel badges. Another candidate for Hedda Morrison, although I'm not sure about the uniform.  

Aileen Maude Woods - to the second Hedda Morrison's left (as we look at her), wears glasses that reflect light, looking straight at the camera

Chia Ying Teng - to Aileen Maude Woods's left, dark curled hair 

Sze Kuen Young - in from of Aileen Maude Woods, high forehead, looks slightly to her own left 

Corin Wan - just behind Freda Gwilliam, teeth protrude slightly 

Mathilde Ng - Second row, behind Ellen Li and to her right as we look at her. Large bow on the front of her dress

Does anyone recognise any of the other women in the photo? (Copyright Crozier Family.)

Date picture taken
19 Oct 1953
