Panorama of Hong Kong, taken from Happy Valley Beato and J Hentry Hering

Completing the Felice Beato Panoramas is this one taken from above Happy Valley, probably from the Police Station that existed there. The photo is also credited to J Hentry Hering




A: unknown building, I think located around Caine and Aberdeen

B: St John’s Cathedral

C: Augustine Head (Beaconsfield)

Between C& D is headquarters house

D: Murray Barracks

E: George Duddell Building, Offices of Thomas Hunt and Co? later Jardines

F: North Barracks

G: D’Aguilar’s Hospital Wellington Barracjs

H: St Francis Hospital (1st Location)

I: Eastern market Approximate location (right of H)

J: Hung Shing Temple, Wanchai



M: Spring Gardens (the 19th C. house)

N:? Looks likes stores/shipyard

O: Seamans Hospital

P: Ship Being Careened

Q: Kuhlan Monument

R: Part of Seaman’s Hospital

S: Chief Justice's House 

Down and to the right of S in the foreground are the ruins of the first Wanchai police station. A square outline can be seen

To the left of T, below 4 there is what looks like a ruined building in the trees. This is The Hospital of the Medical Missionary Society 

T: Morrison Education Society School                                             

U: Jardine Matheson’s East Point Compound

V: No1 Dwelling: Matheson's Bungalow - East Point Hill [????- ]

W: No 2 Dwelling

X: Chinese Houses/Warehouses on Leighton Road

To the right of Building X, in the yellow part of the photo is a small building. This may be the roof of Former #1 Police Station, Leighton Road

Y: Old Bowrington Bridge across the river. No canalization has taken place yet.

Z: Happy Valley Racecourse and recreation ground

1: Happy Valley Cemetery

2: House at Broadwood/Link Road junction

3:Mercer’s House

4: Kellet Island with the Military battery on top. 

A higher quality copy of this picture can be seen here:


Date picture taken
1 Mar 1860


Hi, amazing photo. Where was the police station you're referring to. I also wonder what building is on the junction of Link Road and Broadwood Road.