The Hospital of the Medical Missionary Society 傳道會醫院 [1843-1853]

Submitted by annelisec on
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date completed
Date closed / demolished

The Medical Missionary Society Hospital was on Morrison Hill near the Morrison Education Society School.

Generally known as the "benevolent healing hospital", it was opened to the entire populace, particularly to the Chinese population - since it was after all a missionary hospital. Charges were waived for those who couldn't afford them.

Accident and emergencies were attended to at any time, others were to be admitted between 8am - 11am. The wards were designed for 42 beds, but at peak, the Hospital had admitted 85 inpatients, more than double the planned capacity. In the first year of its operation, 3,348 outpatients and 556 inpatients had been seen.

The Hospital was closed ten years after its opening when no more doctors were willing to serve on a noncommercial basis.…

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