Hong Kong 1949 strolling from midlevel to downtown

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Thu, 09/25/2014 - 09:55

Michael Rogge's video on YouTube:

Going to the office from MacDonnell Road through Icehouse street to the bank in des Voeux Road Central in the (g)olden days - twenty years old!
See my other 190 video clips here:

The film starts at his company's flat in a house on MacDonnell Road. From the comments it looks to be in somewhere around number 60-66. Then along MacDonnell Road, and down the hill (looks like Calder Path?).

2:22 At the bottom of Battery Bath, crossing over Queen's Rd C, then walking along Ice House Street.

3:00 At the junction with Des Voeux Rd

3:11 His destination, 'the now non-existing bank Nederlandsch-Indische Handelsbank', in the old Royal Building.

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