List of people

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Alias / nickname Given Family Sort descending Maiden DoB DoD Sex
Ernest Knauff Male
J. Sparrow Knight Male
Kennitt Stephen Knight Male
Thomas Leonard Knight Male
David Francis Knight Male
Francis Parkman Knight Male
Arthur Russell Knipp Male
Hulda Noahrina Knipp Ashworth Female
Margaret Knipp Female
Wenceslaus F. Knotek Male
Thomas Knox Male
Jessie Knox Female
Eugene Alexander von Nagy Kobza Male
Erwin Ferdinand Koch Male
Kochi Male
Andre Adolphe Charles Koella / Kella Male
Eugenia Koeppen Female
Siegfried Komor Male
江日新 Yat Sen Kong Male
Otto Kong Sing Male
Elizabeth Koodiaroff Female
Mike Michael Koodiaroff Male
Michael Alex Koodiaroff Male
Gizella Kopeczky Kavcsics Female
Joseph Kopeczky Male