1953 - the Cricket Ground amid a tranquil city scene

This aesthetically pleasing, and surprisingly tranquil, early 1950’s Hong Kong cityscape appears in Stericker, John & Veronica, The Hong Kong Gift Book, Self-published, Hong Kong 1954. The authors write: From the New Secretariat - This photograph, looking over the Cathedral roof and the Cricket Ground, was taken from the new Colonial Secretary’s Office; it is only remarkable, therefore, as a new view. However, it was taken at 5.15 p.m. on a Friday afternoon, the rush hour in the most crowded place on earth (literally), and yet no human being can be seen, nothing moves. At the time, the camera was the only thing that saw the heart of a city stop; for a moment it lied, and showed chaos as a peaceful cathedral close or a sleepy English market town.

Date picture taken
1953 (year is approximate)


Nice photo. Garden Road and Murray House/Murray Officers' Mess are beyond the trees on the right. 

No doubt, an attractive image which, with its allusions to a ‘cricket ground’, a ‘peaceful cathedral close’, and a ‘sleepy market town’ evokes, for me, something of the British camera club aesthetic of the day. However, I have so enjoyed the image in its own right that I have neglected the detail, of which there is such a surprising amount. But now, thanks to your input “moddsey”, I will add Garden Road to the “Tags” option.