Cheero Club (1st generation) / Harcourt Officers' Club / Volunteer Centre (HKDF) Building on Queen's Road Central [1934-c.1962]

Submitted by moddsey on
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date completed
Date closed / demolished
(Day, Month, & Year are approximate.)

The three-storey building erected by Leigh & Orange on Queen's Road Central adjacent to the Murray Parade Ground initially housed the Cheero Club.  It was opened by Lady Peel on 8 November 1934 and  comprised a main recreation and social hall with a ladies room attached,  large dining room, billiards room and library. In the opening ceremony, Lady Peel thanked the architects for erecting 'a very attractive building on a small and difficult site'.

Pre-WWII History of the Cheero Club

As a result of the increase in British forces in Hong Kong in 1927 (likely through events in China), the YMCA of Hong Kong was requested by the parent YMCA in England to provide additional facilities for the entertainment and recreation of British troops.

A Committee was formed and funds were obtained through public appeals. Premises were found at the Queen's Building and later accommodation was granted at the Old City Hall. It was known as the "Cheer O YMCA". From then, until the City Hall building was declared unsafe in 1933, facilities for entertainment and recreation were carried out under the name of the Cheero Club.

On the closing of the City Hall, an appeal was launched for sufficient funds to enable new premises to be built. The appeal was successful. In 1934, a dedicated building was erected on a site granted by Government at the corner of Murray Parade Ground which had been handed back by the War Department on the understanding that it was to be used for the benefit of British Forces.


1934 - Cheero Club opened.

1935 - An Ordinance to provide the incorporation of the Cheero Club was passed into law.

1948 - Taken over by the NAAFI and became the Harcourt Officers' Club. 

1949 - Taken over by the Hong Kong Defence Force. Marked on maps as the "Volunteer Centre".

          -     A new Cheero Club  canteen and recreation centre was constructed on the Murray Parade Ground.

1962? - Demolished for the construction of Beaconsfield House (2nd generation). 


1. Cheer O YMCA Hong Kong Daily Press 15 March 1927 (Scroll to Page 3)

2. Takeover by Harcourt Officers' Club/Hong Kong Defence Force. See Hong Kong Telegraph 2 July 1949 here

3. New Cheero Club (2nd generation) opened on Murray Parade Ground. See China Mail 15 December 1949 here

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