Mon, 09/20/2021 - 21:57

Not a Club I have seen mentioned before

Close to Shatin railway station

Date picture taken
1 Sep 1935


That's a new one to me as well. I found a brief mention of it in the Legco minutes for 3rd October, 1935:

The formation and inauguration of the Equine Sports Club at Shatin re-opens the vision of a large international park and playground in that district. When funds are available the starting of the first section of the circular road from Ngau Shi Wan to Saikung, round to Shatin might be commenced. The first section is the small stretch from beyond the Kai Tack Aerodrome to Ma Yue Tong. The idea should commend itself for the scenic beauties of the country and their attractions to tourists and motor car owners in Hong Kong.

My stepmother, Chin Yu Williams, was taking riding lessons at this club in 1941. Her mother, Lilian MacGowan, who never rode a horse in her life, had become a member so that Chin could have lessons there with an ex-Cossak teacher. Chin's friend, Maria da Rosa, also had lesson there. They were friendly with two policemen who were members. The four of them had lunch and then were doing crosswords together in the lunge of the Peninsular Hotel on Sunday 7th December, 1941.