Second son of Charles Edward Warren and Hannah Mabel Warren. Educated in Hong Kong, Canada and England. Articled to Arthur Edwards, Architect and Surveyor, Birmingham, 1919-1923. On the death of his father in June 1923, aged only 23, he took over as managing director of C.E. Warren & Co. Ltd. in Hong Kong with the oversight of John Fleming of Lowe, Bingham and Matthews. Lived at 19 Broadwood Road with his wife Cicely and children, Geoffrey and Diana. Continued to run the three aspects of C.E. Warren & Co. as building contractors, sanitary engineers and monumentalists for eighteen years until voluntary liquidation on 31 July 1941. He left Hong Kong in September or October and became acting manager of William Jack’s subsidiary in Penang until Japanese invasion in December 1941. Attended 101 Special Training School Malaya for an Emergency Commission. Was then at the Fall of Singapore. Escaped to Batavia and onwards from there in a fishing boat to Ceylon, where his youngest brother was a tea and rubber planter. Immediately posted to Meerut with the Royal Engineers and then out to Muradnagar where he lived under canvas until taking over from his senior officer, Lt. Ogley. He died in the Meerut military hospital of typhoid and enteric fever in May 1943 shortly after being promoted to Captain.
"Captain Leslie B. Warren passes in India"
My recent blitz of the SCMP came up with the following article dated 30 September, 1945 about my uncle, Leslie Warren.
I have two questions, in case any of my Gwulo colleagues can help: the first is about the Chinese school that was apparently in The Towers. I have never found any evidence of this. According to family correspondence, The Towers was run as a boarding house by Eric and Dorothy Walch in 1940 and Leslie lodged with them. If there was a school it can only have occupied the house very briefly in 1941. My second question is about the C.E. Warren shop in D'Aguilar Street. Is there any record to be found of this.? I have no idea of the date. The business became a limited company in 1918, but Leslie didn't become Managing Director until after his father's death in 1923. Mrs H. Warren was his mother. It's possible that she didn't receive the news of Leslie's death until after the war.
Leslie Beal Warren 1900 - 5 May 1943
Find a Grave
Captain Leslie Beal Warren Death Date 5 May 1943
Buried Delhi War Cemetery India
Grave Memorial
Treasured memories of a devoted husband and father
Age 43 Royal Engineers Service Number 239216
Son of Charles Edward and Hannah Warren
Husband of Cicely Beatrice Warren of Toronto Canada
Carl Smith Card
Records cause of death as typhoid
Leslie Warren's first grave at Meerut
Thank you, annpake for looking up Leslie Warren’s grave. His remains were actually moved to the main war cemetery in Delhi after the war. We have a photo of his first newly dug grave at Meerut in a patch of long grass and which consists of a slightly skewed white wood cross with the inscription “Captain L.B. Warren. Died 5th May 1943. Aged 42 years.” There are several vases of fresh flowers placed on the grave. I have learnt that Meerut was the base for SOE’s Advanced Operations School signals wing. I assume that Leslie, with his previous signals experience had originally been taken on as a trainer. When he fell ill, he had been based out at Muradnagar for several months, and writes in his aerograms that he can’t talk about his job. I have unsuccessfully tried to trace his predecessor at Muradnagar, Captain Ogley and to find out the name of the Brigadier General responsible for this area, for whose visit Leslie was anticipating putting beer on ice only two weeks before his death. Are there any military historians of the Burma campaign out there who know about Muradnagar and Meerut?
Age at death 43
CWGC has his age at death as 43.
They record
Service Number: 239216 Royal Engineers who died on 05 May 1943 Age 43
Son of Charles Edward and Hannah Warren;
husband of:Cicely Beatrice Warren, of Toronto,Ontario,Canada.
Remembered with Honour
All correct
The record is perfectly correct. I miscopied the date of death and have corrected that. The Meerut burial was probably rushed and perhaps people didn't have time to verify Leslie's date of birth. It wasn't my intention to contradict the record. Thank you for confirming it.
1923 Arrival - Mr. & Mrs L. B. Warren
Mr. & Mrs. L. B. Warren arrived in Hong Kong on 7 May 1923 on N. Y. K.'s "Kamo Maru" from London via Singapore.
Source: Hong Kong Daily Press 8 May 1923.
Arrival of Mr & Mr. L.B. Warren in Hong Kong
Thanks once again, moddsey. Leslie and Cicely were married in Birmingham on 27 July 1922, but as Leslie was finishing his training as an architect and they gave separate addresses on the ship's record, perhaps they weren't living together. This voyage to Hong Kong would have been a delayed honeymoon. Their date of arrival is exactly one month and one day before the death of Leslie's father, Charles Warren from pneumonia.