Central School [1862-1889]

Submitted by annelisec on
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Demolished / No longer exists
Date completed
(Day is approximate.)
Date closed / demolished
(Day is approximate.)
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Government Gazette No. 24, 15th June 1861 (reporting Legco meeting 23rd March)

... a Scheme prepared by Dr. Legge for a better system of Chinese Education in Hongkong, by the establishment of a Central School in Victoria, instead of that now existing of detached Schools throughout the City.  It had been recommended by the Board of Education, and had received the approval of th eGovernor; but as there was no eigible site at the disposal of the Government for carrying out the proposed measure, it was suggested to purchase Inland Lot No. 78, in Gough Street, whcih was reported by the Surveyor General as suited for the object in view, and which might be obtained with the Buildings thereon for a sum not exceeding $29,500 [very faint] - A portion of th esite might be made available for a Girls' School now temporarily established in the Albany ... 


Government Gazette no. 14 4th April 1863 

Governnent Notification no 43, Tenders .... construction of an additional School Room and Arcade at the Central School, Gough Street.

Anthony Sweeting writes that the Government Central School opened during February 1862, in premises on Gough Street. In a footnote he notes there are several conflicting opinions on the exact opening date, ranging from January to March of that year. See page 151 of his book, Education in Hong Kong Pre-1841 to 1941.

Based on the information in the comments above, I've changed the dates for this Place from [c.1889-????] to [1862-1889]

The move to Hollywood Road is described in the Government Gazette from 22 Feb 1890:


Whereas the School, formerly known as The Government Central School, situate on premises registered in the Land Office as Inland Lot No. 78, was removed on or about the 10th July, 1889, to other premises registered in the Land Office as Inland Lots Nos. 55, 91, 91A, and 93, and such School and premises have been re-named The Victoria College, Notice thereof is, by direction of His Excellency the Governor, published in the Gazette.

By Command,

F. Fleming,

Colonial Secretary.

Colonial Secretary’s Office, Hongkong, 18th February, 1890.