American Baptist Mission - Hollywood Rd / Gough & Shing Wong streets - IL 78 [c.1844-1861]

Submitted by annelisec on
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Date closed / demolished
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The Siam Repository 1870…

The day I was at the Basel Mission, I said to Mr. L., I am at a loss to find the premises of what was the Baptist Mission, and he volunteered to introduce me to an old teacher of Dr. Dean's, who still preaches in a small unostentatious way, in a room which forms a part of his home, in one of the mercantile streets in a business part of the town.
We knew the house, by the inscription over a window on the second floor, "a place of worship." We went up. The old man was at home. He was a member of the Baptist church in its beginings, in Hongkong, some thirty years ago. He has sons that are merchants in this row of buildings.
The father helps the sons, and preaches every Sabbath at 11 o'clock p. m.. A Chinaman rents the chapel room, for a school during the week, and gives for it two dollars a month. We supped a -cup of tea with the old man and his family, answered his questions about Bangkok, made an appointment to come to his worship on the morrow and passed on.
When the German service was over, I found a chair waiting to take me to the Baptist service in Chinese, as by arrangement. I found quite a crowded room. Many had come to see the teacheress from Bangkok. The assembly was quite after my own heart. The old teacher, his wife, his sons and his son's wives and all his children, eight in number, were present, all tastefully dressed. The school children were there and their teacher, some twenty people that are in the habit of attending and many strangers.
I understood enough to know the preacher told them of Jesus and of that wicked spirit the devil. They closed the service with singing, "there is a happy land," and the preacher's daughter led the song. I should have thought I myself had a finger there.