Police Quarters / Faculty of Law of HKU, 150-6 Caine Road [1922-c.1976]

Submitted by Admin on
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date completed
Date closed / demolished
(Day, Month, & Year are approximate.)

The Police "Offbeat" site says these were Inspectors' Quarters, and has a photo of them: 



Photos that show this Place



Though the two blocks look almost identical, it turns out they were built at separate times. The west block of nine flats was completed first in 1915, then the east block of six flats followed on in 1922.

A description of each block is given in the Public Works Departments reports, which describes them as "Married Quarters for Police".

Here's the report for 1915 (http://gwulo.com/node/14009):

97.Married Quarters for Police, Caine Road.—These quarters were completed and several of the flats were occupied during November. As explained in last year’s Report, the quarters have been erected on the site rendered available by the abolition of old No. 2 Tank and the diversion of Bonham Road. As the site consisted of made ground, the foundations of the buildings had to be extensively piled, the large amount of piling required causing some delay in the execution of the work.

The work comprised the erection of a large 3-storied building, containing nine flats, with servants’ quarters in the rear, or to the south of the main building. Five of the flats contain a living room, 19' 0"x 15' 0", two bedrooms, 16' 0'' x 15' 0" and 16' 0"x 14' 6" respectively, two bathrooms, a pantry and a store ; whilst the remaining four flats, in addition to the accommodation already stated, contain a third bedroom varying from 14' 10" x 7' 0" to 11' 6" x 6' 4". Each flat is provided with a European kitchen and the necessary servants’ quarters conveniently placed. Verandahs, 5' 0" wide, with a commodious bay opposite each living room, extend along the front of all the flats, and balconies and bridges afford access to the servants’ quarters, to which a separate entrance is provided on the ground floor.

The walls are of brickwork throughout, faced externally, up to first floor level, with Formosa bricks, above which they are generally covered with rough-cast. Architectural effect is obtained HK the introduction, where the hays project, of pilasters formed of alternate hands of red facing bricks and cast concrete blocks and by the use of panels and cornices, etc., which are finished in fine cement. The walls of the main building are plastered internally. The floors throughout are of reinforced concrete, finished with hardwood flooring boards, except in the case of the verandahs, where they are laid with 4"x4" red tiles, and the servants’ quarters, where they are laid with granolithic. All stairs are of cement concrete, with cast iron nosings. The roofs, except in the case of the verandahs and servants’ quarters, which are of cement concrete finished with “ Ruberoid ”, are covered with double pan and roll tiling. Electric light and electric bells have been installed throughout all the quarters.

1915 Estimates,...$41,500.00  Total Estimates, $64,000.00
1915 Sup. Vote,... 9,690.00  
1915 Expenditure, 51,140.80  Expenditure to 31/12/15, 64,540.98

A balance of $9,135.94, due in connection with the construction and equipment of the quarters, remained outstanding at the close of the year.

The cost, per flat, has amounted to $8,186.

and 1922 (http://gwulo.com/node/19769):

99Married Quarters for Police—Caine Road.—This work was referred to in paragraph 91 of last year’s Report.

The building was completed in February, the Contract being carried out by Mr. Ng Mou Hing.

The site is to the East of and adjoining the Police Quarters erected in 1915, and the work comprised the erection of a three storeyed building containing six flats with servants quarters in the rear of the main building; four of the flats contain a living room, two bedrooms, two bathrooms, pantry and water closet, while the remaining two flats, in addition to the accommodation already stated, contain a third small bedroom. An open verandah extends along the front of all the flats, with a spacious bay opposite each living room, while balconies and bridges afford access to the servants quarters which also has a separate entrance on the ground floor. The block of servants quarters was raised a storey, and a basement was thus formed on the ground floor containing two large stores which may be used as a Garage for Police Motor Cycles, Hand Ambulance or Domestic Vehicles. One of the Stores was allotted to the occupants of the old quarters.

1922 Estimates,$ 20,000.00  Total Estimates,$ 73,000.00
  Expenditure to                            
1922 Expenditure,... 14,322.71 31/12/22, 76,635.57