Everything tagged: photographic studio

Photos tagged: photographic studio


Pages tagged: photographic studio

H. Uyeno Photographic Studio [c.1885-1889]

Submitted by eurasian_david on Thu, 10/29/2020 - 06:12

Ueno Hikoma (15th October 1838-22nd May 1904) was a pioneer Japanese photographer from Nagasaki noted for his fine portraits, landscapes and that of Nagasaki and its environs. He first opened a photographic studio in Nagasaki in 1862 and later had branches of his photographic studio in Vladivostock in 1890 and in Shanghai and Hong Kong in 1891 according to wiki yet the notice below indicated he had closed business by August of 1889 in Hong Kong.

Pun Lun photographic studio [1864-c.1907]

Submitted by David on Wed, 03/06/2019 - 16:21

Pun Lun was a long-lived photographic studio in Hong Kong.

Terry Bennett dates their opening to 1864, and has lots more information about the studio at: https://gwulo.com/node/31857

I've guessed the date they went out of business based on the last photo I've seen from them. If you know of any later photos, please let us know in the comments below.

Any information on 'Commercial Bank Buildngs, Queens Road', 1868?

Submitted by angelac on Wed, 10/03/2018 - 02:25


I am looking for building called that was called the 'Commercial Bank building' which was on Queens Road somewhere in 1868. I have had no luck finding this building. There appear to be many companies in the 1860's in Hong Kong that had the word 'Commercial' in their name, but so far I haven't been able to find a building that had this specific title, I'm looking for the building where John Thomson, the photographer, first rented rooms in Hong Kong in 1868.

John Thomson (1837-1921) photographic studio location in present day Hong Kong?

Submitted by angelac on Thu, 07/12/2018 - 22:09

This is a wonderful website, full of really useful information.

I am trying to locate where in present day Hong Kong John Thomson's photographic studio would have been. Queens Road was so long in 1868 and I can't figure how the old numbering system would relate to today's Queen's Road layout. Thomson had 2 studios in Hong Kong, the first  was at the Commercial Bank Buildings, Queen's Road, Hongkong. And the second at 29 Queen's Road (next to Messrs Lane, Crawford and Co). 

I would be most grateful for any insights that any one here would have . Thank you very much!

Wing Chong photographic studio [1875-1885]

Submitted by Bennett on Sun, 04/24/2016 - 22:00

Listed in the 1875, 1876, 1878 and 1879 Chronicle & Directory at 66 Queen’s Road Central and in 1880 and 1881 at 84, at 58 in the Hongkong Directory for 1882, and at 74 in the 1885 Chronicle & Directory.

(Reproduced by permission from Volume 3 of History of Photography in China: Chinese Photographers 1844-1879, published by Bernard Quaritch Ltd.

The business dates given above are estimates based on the mentions in the text. If you can add any further information about this studio and the dates it was in business, please leave a comment below.)

Tun Wo photographic studio [1871-1871]

Submitted by Bennett on Sun, 04/24/2016 - 21:59

Listed in the 1871 Chronicle & Directory at 62 Queen’s Road Central.

(Reproduced by permission from Volume 3 of History of Photography in China: Chinese Photographers 1844-1879, published by Bernard Quaritch Ltd.

The business dates given above are estimates based on the mentions in the text. If you can add any further information about this studio and the dates it was in business, please leave a comment below.)

Tou Shing / To Shing photographic studio [1875-1881]

Submitted by Bennett on Sun, 04/24/2016 - 21:58

Listed in the 1875, 1876, 1878 and 1879 Chronicle & Directory at 6 Wellington Street and in 1880 and 1881 at 40 Stanley Street.

(Reproduced by permission from Volume 3 of History of Photography in China: Chinese Photographers 1844-1879, published by Bernard Quaritch Ltd.

The business dates given above are estimates based on the mentions in the text. If you can add any further information about this studio and the dates it was in business, please leave a comment below.)