1920's House at location of St Margrets Girls college [????-????]
Can anyone read the numbers on the 1901 Map?
Can anyone read the numbers on the 1901 Map?
Name and dates are guesstimates
Appears in early 1870's photos of Hong Kong, a different building is there by the late 1870's
Name and dates are guesstimates
Appears on 1901 Map. gone by 1922 aerial photo
Name and dates are guesstimates
Appears on 1901 Map. gone by 1922 aerial photo
Married Police Quarters were completed in 1915 so demolish date set as 1913
Appears on 1901 map unnamed
Occupied in 1908 by Cheung Tseung Che, who established a ship chandelling business with his brother called Messers Robert Jack & Co c1875. Firm is based at No 41 Connaught Road and is the biggest in the colony in 1908
Source: Twentieth century impressions of Hong-Kong, Shanghai, and other Treaty Ports of China, 1908
House was supposedly originally occupied by Mr Paul Chater