Everything tagged: Palmer & Turner

Photos tagged: Palmer & Turner


Pages tagged: Palmer & Turner

Western Magistracy building [????- ]

Submitted by Admin on

I'm not sure when this building was completed, but p.15 of the PWD's annual report for 1954-55 says: 

2.64 Piling was nearing completion and a building contract had been signed for the Western Magistracy, designed by a private architect.

That suggests it was finished in the mid- to late-1950s.

The building is no longer used as a magistrate's court.

P&T Architects & Engineers Ltd [1871- ]

Submitted by Herostratus on

Architecture Firm who designed many of Hong Kong's iconic buildings in the late 19th & early 20th Century under various names, most famously as Palmer & Turner. 


Timeline of Partners and Projects:


Wilson & Salway (est.1871-1875)

  • German Club (1872)
  • St. Peter’s Seamen’s Church (1872)
  • The Chartered Bank (1878)


Wilson & Bird (1881-1881)

  • Beaconsfield Arcade (1880)
  • St. Joseph ‘s English College (1881)


Holland House [1937-????]

Submitted by David on

9, Queen's Road Central.

Completion date taken from page 7 of the Hong Kong Daily Press for 29th June, 1937:

Holland House, the latest addition to the Colony's office buildings, has now been completed, and several firms will go into occupation during the week.

[It] is owned by the Hong Kong Land Investment and Agency Co., Ltd. It is a fine, modern-styled building faced with glazed tiles, designed for offices, with three residential flats on the upper storey.

Victoria Theatre [1911-1920]

Submitted by David on

These Flickr comments say it was on the junction of Des Voeux Rd & Pottinger Street. I wasn't sure which corner, but looking at the photo the combination of tram power lines and shadows mean it must be on the NW corner.

Opening / completion date from the attached clipping.

There's an entry for this cinema on the Cinema Treasures website.