Victoria Theatre [1911-1920]

Submitted by David on
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date completed
Date closed / demolished

These Flickr comments say it was on the junction of Des Voeux Rd & Pottinger Street. I wasn't sure which corner, but looking at the photo the combination of tram power lines and shadows mean it must be on the NW corner.

Opening / completion date from the attached clipping.

There's an entry for this cinema on the Cinema Treasures website.

Photos that show this Place



The new “Victoria Cinematograph Theatre” in Des Voeux Road Central on the Praya Reclamation to M. L. 14 was completed in August and the new Chinese Theatre in Kan U Pong on Inland Lot 1858 in September, both being open for public performances.


These theatres are included in the number given above. Steps have been taken towards making existing buildings, which are used as places of public entertainment, comply as far as possible with the requirements of the Ordinance. Those dealt with were the Ko Shing Theatre, the City Hall and the theatre at Mt. Austin Barracks, in all of which the alterations required were practically completed at the and of the year.


Source PWD Report 1911 (No 37)

Cinema Treasures refers:

The theatre was supposedly closed on 1st April, 1920, and its last programmes included Charles Chaplin’s “Shoulder Arms”, Harold Lloyd’s “Luke Loses Patients” and the final episode of “Bound and Gagged”.

The theatre was deconstructed and most of the masonry, timber and steel were transported across the Victoria Harbor and reassembled in practically the same form for Star Theatre.