Everything tagged: power station

Photos tagged: power station


Pages tagged: power station

Castle Peak Power Station [1982- ]

Submitted by Klaus on

Castle Peak Power Station (Chinese: 青山發電廠) is the largest coal-fired power station in Hong Kong and one of the biggest in the world. The station consists of four 350 MW and four 677 MW generating units.

Castle Peak "A" Power Station was officially opened by Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher on 28 September 1982.

Castle Peak "B" Power Station was built by the Castle Peak Power Company, a joint venture between CLP and Esso. The first two (of four) units were inaugurated by Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh on 22 October 1986.

Tsing Yi Power Station [1966-1998]

Submitted by Klaus on

Construction of the Tsing Yi Power Plant started in 1966, the first turbine was commissioned in April 1969. It was oil fired, a tank farm was built next to it. From 1968 onwards, five chimneys were set up. During the 1970's and 1970's, the plant (together with the Hok Yuen Plant) produced electricity for Kowloon and the New Territories, sometimes for Mainland China. 

Industrial heritage in Hong Kong

Submitted by LizB on

I am putting together a list of past industrial sites (and some present ones) in Hong Kong, with links to the relevant Gwulo pages (or if there is no dedicated Gwulo page for them yet, Public Works Department Annual Reports). There is already a very comprehensive list on the Industrial History of Hong Kong website - my list is just trying to group together relevant Gwulo pages and PWD sources.  For now, I have not included sites such as godowns, wharves, piers, electricity substations, etc as they are so numerous that it would be a time-consuming task.

Chimneys at the former Ap Lei Chau power station

Submitted by Klaus on

In a comment to the Ap Lei Chau power station, David wrote: It looks as though we can follow the progress from 1 to 5 generating units by the number of chimneys in the photos.

Yes, that's true:

Note: The dates given refer to the year when the photos were taken, not when the chimneys were built.

Zero (June 1967):

Power Station of HK Tramways [c.1903-c.1924]

Submitted by Klaus on

Hong Kong Tramways built a power station at the Bowrington Canal. The canal was used both for turbine cooling water and delivery of coal with barges.

It operated from 1904 to 1923. The location was near or at the place where the Sharp Street Tram Depot was built later, probably a tram depot existed there before. Its unknown when the station was demolished, the dates are set preliminary from 1903 to 1924.

The CLP History Film Project

Submitted by Amanda Sheppard on

The CLP History Film Project is a documentary detailing the history of CLP (China Light & Power) and the ways in which its development has become interlinked with the development of Hong Kong as a whole, as well as its more recent investments in China and India. We are currently searching for archive film footage of Hong Kong from the early 20th Century onwards. Having searched through the local government records service and resources, we would welcome any submissions or leads to private collections and other archive sources!

Hok Un / Hok Yuen Power Station [1921-1991]

Submitted by David on

Marker's position approximate.

What was the completion date for the power station? The Hong Kong Heritage Project blog says:

In 1940, Hok Un “A” Power Station was opened by Governor Sir Geoffrey Northcote and a decade later Hok Un “B” Power Station was commissioned as Hong Kong rapidly industrialised and domestic supply increased. Read more...

But I'm not sure if that was the first power station on the site or not.