Everything tagged: Japanese

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Pages tagged: Japanese

Japanese Tunnel Tai Tam Reservoir [c.1942- ]

Submitted by Iloveoldhk on Sun, 08/16/2020 - 17:12

Learned about it from a few online sources, also Mr. Cracknells blog as I recall. Went and looked through it this summer. Figured I would add it here. It is reasonably long, going through a ridge I think, 2 exits and a somewhat long side tunnel as I remember. One exit overlooks the reservoir. 

The main access point is right off the staircase leading up from the crossroads of Mt. Parker road/Boa vista track. it is only about 50 or so meters up the staircase just past a power station. The entrance is large and obvious.

Japanese Tunnel Pok Fu Lam Reservoir (Below PB) [c.1942- ]

Submitted by Iloveoldhk on Fri, 05/01/2020 - 16:03

A single tunnel extending into hillside. Entrance is largely silted up but it opens up a bit and extends sloping up into hillside, could be more entrances around. North-West of the PB around 30 meters or so. It is along a ravine next to a pipe line running down from the edge of the covered reservoir area toward HKU buildings.

Hong Kong’s War Crimes Trials Collection

Submitted by Klaus on Fri, 08/02/2019 - 23:29

In 2008, the HK goverment funded a project to research Hong Kong’s War Crimes Trials conducted in the years 1946-1948. A total of 46 cases with 123 accused persons were studied. An overwiew of this project can be found here.

Of special interest might be the case WO235/1012:

In this case five Japanese officers were charged to have committed war crimes: