Po Hing Theatre (2nd generation) / 普慶戲院 [1928-1955]

Submitted by David on
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date completed
Date closed / demolished

Notes from Raymond Lo on Cinema Treasures:

[...] It was built on the site of the previous Po Hing Theatre. "Po Hing", meaning "celebrations all over the world", is the Cantonese prounciation of its Chinese name.

The theatre opened to business in December 1928, and [...] on 27th July, 1955, it closed its doors [...].

Previous place(s) at this location


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Astor Theatre = 普慶戲院

The re-build theatre that started operating in 1957 used the English and Chinese names above.  Prior to that time, the early generation of the theatre was also known as Po Hing Theatre selected to match its Chinese pronounciation (my understanding).   Regards, Peter


In 1933, Po Hing theater together with two other theaters petitioned the government to allow male and female artists performing on the same stage.  Kok Sin Sing theater troupe was the first troupe to do so. This picture shows the performance of the troupe at the theater in 1939. Though there were many famous male artists performing female roles, these two are female, I think.

Kok_Sin_Sing_troupe_1939 at astor theater, by simtang


Thanks simtang.  I watched a projected movie here before it was demolished.  Your photo showing the performance of the troupe reminded me of the two orchestra pits a short distance from the stage.  Each was about eight feet square slightly below floor and placed about 1/4 width from the centre line.  Regards,  Peter