Windy but drier.
Find that public opinion did not want my resignation from kitchen. However some made observation that my squad’s cooking was not as good as others.
Blackout ordered.
Repat. rumours about.
Windy but drier.
Find that public opinion did not want my resignation from kitchen. However some made observation that my squad’s cooking was not as good as others.
Blackout ordered.
Repat. rumours about.
Dr Carnaval tested all males in block re condition for going with women & children or remaining.
No swim am but went pm.
Softball with Steve pm.
Many men working swindles or trying to get away on medical grounds. Many rumours re date of arrival of ship. 28th inst. 6th, 9th & 12th June so far.
Hot & humid.
Ruhr Valley flooded? ((Sounds like Jones heard of the Dambusters Raid, officially named "Operation Chastise", which took place on 16–17 May 1943 and did flood the Ruhr Valley.))
Swim with B am.
Rained heavily 1 PM.
John ((possibly fellow prison officer, John Joyce?)) lent me mosquito net.
Steve played at concert.
Hot & humid.
Official from Tokyo inspected Camp.
Rain & wind all day.
This month did Chinese & plodded away at German. Swimming helped too.
Majima arrived but he had nothing of interest to report according to the bulletin.
Comm. work am Bon helped.
To Steve’s pm & started on blanket bag for M.
Bread, jam & coffee with Webbers. ((Probably fellow Prison Officer W E Webber))
Fine day.