Kennedy's Horse Repository - Garden Road [????- ]

Submitted by annelisec on
Current condition

Listed on maps as Livery Stables.

Who has a 1880 map and can place this properly ?

Photos that show this Place



Hi Annelise, Are you sure they had a building here? The 1900 Jurors List shows a "5, Garden Road" address for one employee, but then it also shows a "30, Elgin Street" address for another. I wonder if these are just residential addresses, rather than offices or stables?

Regards, David

Hi there,

5 Garden Road..... Don't know if the #5 of present day Garden Road is the same as the #5 back then.  Were there a government staple at Lower Albert Road next to the present day American Consulate back then?  I wonder.......

Best Regards,


That's interesting. As Thomas and 80skid say, there's the stables on Lower Albert Road we know about. Seems unlikely that would have a Garden Road address though.

There's a 'livery stables' on this 1880 map (bottom left corner):

It's inside the military area, so I always assumed it was for the army's horses, but maybe it's the 'horse repository' mentioned above, or at least the horse repository was somewhere nearby?

Regards, David