Former Central Government Office Stables / PWD [1850-1969]

Submitted by 80sKid on
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date completed
Date closed / demolished

probably demolished late 1960s to make way for a bus stop layby. Not sure of the construction date but probably at the same time as the first govt offices in the early 1850s. The stables were converted into offices for the Public Works Department in 1909 with an extra story added.

The govt-funded study in the Central Government Offices suggested the site might be useful for an archaeological dig, and has an aerial photo of them from 1963

Photos that show this Place



They are shown on an 1856 map (plate 3-1c, Mapping Hong Kong), marked 'stables'.

lolau wrote:

Would it be the "Central Stable" I found on Para 105, Page 48 (Q 47) of Report of Director of Public Works for the Year 1927?

David wrote:

Good find - that looks like the same building. (It's a good habit to include a link to make it easier for other people to find the document:

It says:

105. Garage at Central Stables - This work consisted of the reconstruction of part of the Old Harbour Office to provide accommodation for the fleet of motor vehicles now in use by the Sanitary Department. The rooms above were altered to house the Chinese Staff and improve the Western Central Sanitary Office where a new bathroom for use of the European Sanitary Inspectors is now available.

The work was commenced in April and completed in October.