Any suggestions where I can find information regarding a company called Alex Ross and Company in Hong Kong in the 1920s? (When I did an Internet search I found a reference to them in Singapore during the 1st World War).
I am the great grandson of Alex Ross.
I don't know that much about him or my Grandfather (John Kennedy Ross) so any info would be great.
The vague family history I have been told is pretty vague but interesting.
I am Euro-Asian and most the interesting info I know comes from my Asian side.
Any details appreciated!
I have recently come across Alex Ross's name among those mentioned in my own family history. He is one of the people I am trying to follow up. I think he may have even lived in one of our family's houses at one time. It is possible my family hired cars from him on a very regular basis. May I get back to you next week when I shall be in a better position to consult my documentation?
My family connection seems not to be a personal one with your grandfather or great-grandfather, as far as I know at the moment, but probably a close professional one with Alex. Ross & Co. In 1920 my grandfather, Charles E. Warren sent a wreath to the funeral of a young man described as ‘Assistant’ in Alex. Ross & Co., of whom he was probably a regular client. I expect you’ve looked at Patricia Lim’s cemetery inscriptions on the Gwulo site. John Kennedy Ross is given at 11B/02/19; his dates 1903-1967 Your great-grandfather isn’t given, but his wife, Mary Kay Ross d. 9 March 1887 aged 62, is at 20/10/01 together with their children, James d. 1864 and Jane d. 1865. I suppose your great-grandfather married again, if John wasn’t born till 1903.
Have you checked the Carl Smith cards website? There are 19 cards recording Alex. Ross & Co., which include one mentioning John Kennedy Ross. They can be ordered from the Public Records Office. I'll keep a look out for Alexander and John elsewhere.
I bought a sliver pocket watch that date from around 1903 in China 8 years ago. On the key to the watch is written Alex Ross & Co. on the other side chinese caractere, probaly the chinese name of the company. If you are interested I can send you pictures
"alexander ross & Co." hong kong
search ["alexander ross & Co." hong kong] in Google Books shows a 1916 listing:
Commerce Reports:
Page 83
Try the HKPL Archives
I would suggest you try the HKPL Archives. From what I understand of the that they ran a car and garge servise for their clients.
Voluntary Liquidation of Company Agencies Files
From the Public Records Office:
Voluntary Liquidation of Company Agencies Files
20.03.1923 - 15.03.1955
31.10.1953 - 09.03.1961
Alex Ross & Co. Any info appreciated
I am the great grandson of Alex Ross.
I don't know that much about him or my Grandfather (John Kennedy Ross) so any info would be great.
The vague family history I have been told is pretty vague but interesting.
I am Euro-Asian and most the interesting info I know comes from my Asian side.
Any details appreciated!
re: Alex Ross & Co. Any info appreciated
Here are some tips on where to find information about old residents of Hong Kong:
Please let us know what you find.
Regards, David
Alex Ross
I have recently come across Alex Ross's name among those mentioned in my own family history. He is one of the people I am trying to follow up. I think he may have even lived in one of our family's houses at one time. It is possible my family hired cars from him on a very regular basis. May I get back to you next week when I shall be in a better position to consult my documentation?
Best wishes
Alexander Ross & John Kennedy Ross
My family connection seems not to be a personal one with your grandfather or great-grandfather, as far as I know at the moment, but probably a close professional one with Alex. Ross & Co. In 1920 my grandfather, Charles E. Warren sent a wreath to the funeral of a young man described as ‘Assistant’ in Alex. Ross & Co., of whom he was probably a regular client. I expect you’ve looked at Patricia Lim’s cemetery inscriptions on the Gwulo site. John Kennedy Ross is given at 11B/02/19; his dates 1903-1967 Your great-grandfather isn’t given, but his wife, Mary Kay Ross d. 9 March 1887 aged 62, is at 20/10/01 together with their children, James d. 1864 and Jane d. 1865. I suppose your great-grandfather married again, if John wasn’t born till 1903.
Have you checked the Carl Smith cards website? There are 19 cards recording Alex. Ross & Co., which include one mentioning John Kennedy Ross. They can be ordered from the Public Records Office. I'll keep a look out for Alexander and John elsewhere.
Silver pocket watch from Alex Ross & Co
I bought a sliver pocket watch that date from around 1903 in China 8 years ago. On the key to the watch is written Alex Ross & Co. on the other side chinese caractere, probaly the chinese name of the company. If you are interested I can send you pictures
1920s Photo of the garage