Hong Kong Electric Power Station - Wanchai [1890-1922]

Submitted by annelisec on
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Demolished / No longer exists
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Date closed / demolished
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This power station is shown on the 1909 map of the area, marked "Electric Light Works".

It was Hongkong Electric's first power station. It was closed by 1922, as described in their 1985 booklet "A Pictorial History of Hongkong Electric":

Not long after [the new power station at North Point began operation], Wanchai became a reserve station, and by 1922 it had been closed down and dismantled. The only evidence left of Hong Kong's first power station is a street sign on the site, ELECTRIC STREET.

1890 - First Illumination. The district in which the Hong Kong Electric Company have set up their wires was last night illuminated by the arc lights, the contract of the Company commencing on 1 December. HK Daily Press 2 December 1890 refers. 

1919 - Owing to demand, the electricity supply from Wanchai was augmented by a partial supply from North Point. HK Telegaph 31 December 1919 refers.

1922 - 86% of the electricity output was generated at North Point whilst the remainder was from the old power station at Wanchai. HK Telegraph 22 April 1922 refers

1922 - Mention is made at the AGM in 1923 that the old power station at Wanchai had shut down during the year (1922). HK Telegraph 21 April 1923 refers

1923 - Hong Kong Electric Co. sold its old power station at Wing Fung Street, Wanchai for $700,000. The purchaser is understood to be a Chinese contractor and it is thought that Chinese tenement houses will be built on the property. China Mail 17 April 1923 refers.