Repatriation notices: View pages


Embarkation for United Kingdom, Ceylon and India

1.    Will the following persons please assemble at Stanley at 10 a.m. on Saturday, 2nd September, 1945:—

Dr H. Talbot, Mrs C. Talbot, Mr and Mrs Witchell, Mr and Mrs M. H. Large, Mr C. T. Large, Mrs M. Smith, Mrs W. O. Lambert, Mr and Mrs E. Hopkinson, Mrs M. Mather, Mr and Mrs B. Margrett, Mr and Mrs W. T. Lewis and children, Mr and Mrs J. Riddell and child, Mrs D. E. Johnston, Mr and Miss F. Leonard, Mr G. Miskin, Miss G. F. Flower, Miss V. Podmore, Mr and Mrs G. Holloway, Mrs A. C. Tribble, Mrs E. M. de Biere, Miss D. Brazier, Miss E. Lemmon, Mrs P. E. Newnham, Miss E. Riley, Miss L. Warbrick, Miss K. E. Gordon, Miss A. Williams, Miss N. Chandler, Mrs M. J. Staple, Miss E. Chart, Miss L. Turner, Miss D. Lambert-Baker, Miss J. Smith, Miss M. A. Grant, Miss M. A, Mackay, Miss S. R. Leslie, Miss A. Holdway, Miss E. M. Hill, Miss M. D. Riddle, Miss M. Carew, Miss L. Busser, Mr C. Whitfield, Mrs and Miss Hirst, Mr and Mrs J. D. Robinson, Mrs W. A. Penny, Mrs J. M. Fenton, Mr and Mrs M. Rogers and child, Mr and Mrs R. Grindley, Mrs H. W. Mills, Mr J. W. Fitzgerald, Mr and Mrs J. F. Channing, Misses B. and F. D. Cartwright, Mr and Mrs O. F. Hamilton, Mr and Mrs E. J. Stevens and family, Sub. Lt. and Mrs: Sallis and family, Mrs T. Fortescue and child, Mrs E. N. Winfield, Mrs D. D. Richards and Mrs H. P. Lourenz.

2.    Will the following persons please assemble at Queen’s Pier at 10 a.m. on Saturday, 22nd September, 1945, or, in the case of Kowloon residents, board H.M.S. “Smiter” at Kowloon Wharves:—

Mr T. B. Rolland, Mr A. Gashenko (Jockey Club Stables), Mr J. W. Deakin, Mr P. W. Calderara (c/o. Keller & Co., Ltd.), Mr S. C. Feltham, Mr and Mrs F. Chisholm, Mr Q. A. A. Macfadyen, Mr T. W. Addingley, Mr M. F. Weissenfluh (Church Guest House), Mr B. D. Evans, Mr E. Pudney, Mr D. W. Phillips, Mr J. Aitken (H.K.P.), Mr P. W. Urke, Mr H. Fantham, Mr C. W. Browne, Mr T. Fortescue, Miss N. Grady, Capt. A. H. Finnie, Miss B. C. Redwood, Mr E. J. Easson, Mr and Mrs E. Pritchard, Mr A. C. Tribble, Mrs and Miss Van Wylick, Mr J. G. Haigh, Mr D. Ritchie, Mr R. A. Bates, Mr A. N. Mackenzie, Mr A. R. S. Major, Mr J. F. Ferrier, Mr P. O. Guild, Mr and Mrs C. D. Perdue, Mr H. W. Mills, Mr E. S. Cutcher, Mr R. H. Hughes, Mr C. T. Champelovier, Mr J. Gellatly, Mr I. Newton, Mr G. E. Gilbert, Mr E. Tuck, Mr W. C. Excell, Mr F. T. White, Mr T. Mcgarry, Mrs and Miss Budden, Miss N. Witchell, Mr A. Foster, Miss O. Redwood, Mr H. Smith. Mr W. O. Lambert, Mr. J. F. McGowen, Mr W. J. Pendergast. Mr R. J. Walker, Comdr J. Jolly, Mr W. S. Smith, Mr T. W. Carr. Mr J. P. Pennefather-Evans, Mr J. Rees, Mr W. Hew?tt, Miss C. B. Murray, Mr G. W. Mortimer, Mr T. H. Lunson, Mr M. E. Purvis, Mr A. McKenzie, Dr A. H. Barwell, Mr B. H. Church, Mr C. M. Harloe, Mr W. McLaughlin, Sub. Lieut. Bremner, Signalman Pennington Mrs H. A. Selwyn-Clarke and child, Miss H. Ho, Mr W. A. Johnson, Lieut. D. G. Wilson, Miss A. I. Smith, Mr H. Lourenz.
Mr D. M. D. Stephen, 182 Hennessey Rd., 2nd f1.
Mr R. J. Jagia, Dina House, 25 Dudley Str.
Mr G. M. Advani, Rm. 26, Stock Exchange Bldg.
Mr J. R. Mahtani, 35 Caine Road,, 4th FI.

3.    Passengers must embark from the place under which their names, appear at their berthing cards will not be available elsewhere.

Hong Kong and S’hai Bank
Building, 1st floor.
Telephone No. 39642.
20th September, 1945.

Published on p.1 of SCMP for 21 Sep 1945.



The persons in this List are additional to those in List No. 1.

The following person should assemble at STANLEY at 10 a.m. on SATURDAY 22nd September, 1945:—

Mrs. D. N. Shields.

The following persons should assemble at QUEENS PIER at 10 a.m. on SATURDAY 22nd September, 1945, or, in the case of Kowloon residents, board H.M.S. “SMITER” at Kowloon Wharves:—

Miss D. P. Geen Miss V. Brett Miss M. Webster Miss P. McClellan, Miss S. H. Andrews, Mrs M. Chubb and child, Mr T. A. Hughes (H.K Police). Mr T. Collins H.K. Police). Mr Blackbourn (H.K. Police). Mr S. H. Dowman (H.K. Police). Mr J. R. Bentley (H.K. Police). Mr F. E. Channing (H.K. Police). Mr W. Gowans (H.K. Police). Mr M. Reynolds (H.K. Police). Mr & Mrs C. Littler, Mr G. V. White (H.K. Police). Mr A. W. Smith (H.K. Police). Mr G.S. Fender (H.K. Police). Mr T. E. Maycock (H.K. Police). Mr G.N. Davitt (H.K. Police), Mr C.S. Pile (H.K. Police), Mr A. C. C. Stewart (H.K. Police). Mr B. C. Fay (H.K. Police). Mr T. Pilkington (H. K. Police). Mr W. N. Winslade (H.K. Police) Mr W.L. Kinloch (H.K. Police) Mr J. Harris (H.K. Police). Mr J. Goodman (H.K. Police), Mr W E Astley (H K Police) Mr J Allen (H K Police) Mr J MacDonald (H K Police) Mr S J Bradsell (H K Police) Mr G S Alexander (H K Police) Mr W H Summers (H K Police) Mr H J Baldwin (H K Police) Mr K J Douche (H K Police) Mr C Dowman (H K Police) Mr H T Matches (H K Police) Mr W G Morrison (HK Police) Mr B D Lay (H K Police) Miss C B Robinson, Miss A M Harrington, Miss M A Wilson, Mr Mr R M Wood (P W D), Mr S Parker (HK Police) Mr H W Jenner (H K Police) Mr T R Hunter (H K Police) Mr C Mottram (H K Police) Mr D Clark (H K Police) Mr J R H Clements (H K Police) Mr G C Moss (H K Police) Mr A Wallingford (H K Police) Mr A Shaw (H K Police) Mr W L Clark (H K Police) Mr S Innes (H K Police) Miss C I Watson, Miss D M Evans, Miss F A Cranfield, Miss M L Everett.

H.K. & S’hai Bank Bldg, 1st.fl,
(Telephone No. 39642)
21st Sept. 1945.

Published on p.2 of SCMP for 21 Sep 1945.


1.    Shipping space is likely to be available in the near future. Persons who registered for repatriation “by subsequent ship” and who are now ready to depart should report forthwith in person or in writing to this office, or, in the case of Stanley residents to Mr H. H. H. Priestley at Stanley.

2.    Members of staffs of Government Departments and Essential Services should first obtain a letter from their Head of Department saying that they can be spared.

3.    This notice does NOT apply to members of the Volunteer Forces, their wives, families and dependants.

Repatriation Officer,

Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank Building, 1st Floor.

(Tel. No. 39642)
22nd September, 1945.

Published on p.2 of SCMP for 23 Sep 1945.


The following persons are requested to “Stand by” for embarkation for Australia on or about Tuesday, 25th Sept., 1945.


Mr J. Lawson, Mr and Mrs Grant-Smith, Mr V. V. Macdonnell, Mr A. Kidd, Miss E. Thomson, Miss M. Gooey, Miss L. Gooey, Mrs. M. Adam, Mrs A. H. Hansen, Mr and Mrs Rozeskwy and child, Mr and Mrs A. E. P. Guest and family, Mr and Mrs Nobbins, Mrs J. Mackie, Mr and Mrs J. Anderson and family, Mr J. R. Carr, Mr C. J. E. Scott, Mr H. V. Thorne, Mr and Mrs Culver and child, Miss M. Matheson, Mrs E. J. Beck and children, Mr E. N. Gimmell, Mr and Mrs F. Hogg, Mrs K. E. Clarke and children, Mr and Mrs Bidwell, Miss W. M. Sutton, Mrs M. Angus, Mrs W. Shewan, Mr P. E. Nettle, Mrs G. Castle, Miss C. Hobbs.


Mr W. A. Johnson, Mr F.L. Ball, Mr S.V. Boxer, Mr M.M. Watson, Mr H. A. Angus, Mr F.    Angus, Mr W. Shewan, Mr C. R. Lawrence, Mr R. W. Maynard, Mr G. Castle. Mr. A. F. Tocher, Mr F. J. Anslow, Mr J. Revie, Mr A. W. Salter, Bro. B. M. Kelleher, Mr E. Dubois, Mr W. R. Hillyer, Mr and Mrs. D. L. Edwards and child, Mr E. F. Brown, Mr R. H. Brooks, Mr J. C. Fitzhenry, Mr. C. W. Brand, Miss V. M. Witchell, Mr and Mrs V. Walker, Mr A. C. Taylor, Mr W. W. Owens, Mr T. Collins (H.K. Police), Mr H. T. Matches (H.K. Police), Mr H. B. Dewar (H.K. Police), Mr F. T. Portallion (H.K. Police), Mr D. L. Davies (H.K. Police), Mr F. Mawer (H.K. Police), Mr R. Grainger (H.K. Police), Mr T. K. Whelan (H.K. Police), Mr W. R. Chesterwoods (H.K. Police), Mr J. G. Whitcroft (H.K. Police), Mr L. H. Borisoff (H.K. Police), Mr W. P. Delahunty (H.K. Police), Mr H. V. J. Brown (H.K. Police) , Mr J. Orem (HK. Police), Mr W. Morris (H.K. Police), Mr G. C. Rousakoff (H.K. Police), Mr F. L. Zadorin (H.K. Police), Mr D. I. Glazoonoff (H.K. Police), Dr G. I. Shaw, Mr A. Kurrik, Mr E. L. Strange, Mr C. Milne, Mr R. C. Keen, Mr H. Kew, Mr C. B. Robertson, Mr J. G. Campbell, Mr W. Mezger, Mr C. H. Fuller, Mr C. Strange, Mr N. M. Krasnoperoff, Mr P. J. O’Neil, Mrs and Miss E. J. Lee, Miss M. Lee Fong, Mr N. I. Kouznetzoff, Mr F. S. Elliott, Mr G. T. Padgett.


H.K. & S. Bank Bldg., 1st floor
(Telephone No. 39642).
22nd September, 1945.

Published on p.2 of SCMP for 23 Sep 1945.


The Repatriation Office is open to the public for enquiries, registration, etc., between the following hours:—

Monday to Saturday only
  10.00 a.m.—12.00 Noon.
  2.30 p.m.—4.00 p.m.

Sundays closed.

23rd September, 1945.

Published on p.4 of SCMP for 26 Sep 1945.

No. 5

1. The Stanley passengers mentioned in Notice No. 4 should assemble at Stanley at 10 a.m. on TUESDAY, 25th September, 1945.

2.    The Hongkong passengers should assemble at Queen’s Pier at 10 a.m. on TUESDAY, 25th September, or, if residents of Kowloon, board H.M. escort carrier “STRIKER” direct at HOLTS Wharf at 10 A.M. Tuesday.

3.    The following additional passengers should also embark at 10 a.m. Tuesday:—


Mrs M. F. Taylor, Miss H. Ezra, Miss K. G. Grant, Mr J. Burford.


Mrs Florence Wong and daughters, Miss G. Ezra, Mrs K. G. Grant, Mrs F. V. Tichopad.

Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank
Building, 1st Floor.
(Tel: No. 39642).
24th September, 1945.

Published on p.4 of SCMP for 24 Sep 1945.

No. 8

The following are requested to stand by for embarkation for the United Kingdom or ports en route on S.S. "HIGHLAND MONARCH" on or about Tuesday next.

Mr A. H. Elston (Police)

Mr & Mrs L. A. Searle (Police)

Mr J. Hunter (Police)

Mr W. Jones (Police)

Mr J. Fell (Police)

Mr M. A. McDonald (Police)

Mr Dewar, H. B. (Police)

Mr T. Cairns (Police)

Mr Hemsley, T. J. (Police)

Mr Woods, H. (Police)

Mrs C. Wood

Mstr. J. Woods

Mstr. C. Woods

Mstr. J. Woods

Mr A. S. Farquhar (Police)

Mr W. S. Dail (Police)

Mr E. J. Stewart (Police)

Mr H. Tyler (Police)

Mr A. R. Ellis (Police)

Mr W. N. Headridge (Police)

Mr A. E. Rose (Police)

Mr S. C. H. Mayor (Police)

Mr G. W. Moreton (Police)

Mr J. H. Evans (Police)

Mrs A. Evans

Mr M. J. Flattery (Police)

Mr G. C. Taylor (Police)

Mr J. W. Howlett (Police)

Mrs M. Howlett

Miss S. Howlett

Mr F. Penfold (Police)

Mr A. E. G. Wheeler (Police)

Mr A. Soutar (Police)

Mr R. D. Paton (Police)

Mr R. B. Davies (Police)

Mr R. McVey (Police)

Mr B. T. Ross (Police)

Mr McPherson, D. G. (Police)

Mrs D. McPherson

Mr R. North (Police)

Mr J. Wall (Police)

Mr L. H. Oakley (Police)

Miss J. L. Wilkinson

Mr F. J. Wilkinson

Mrs B. Wilkinson

Miss J. P. Wilkinson

Miss M. V. Wilkinson

Miss M. E. Wilkinson

Mstr. B. A. Wilkinson

Mstr. M. Wilkinson

Mr W. McHardy (Police)

Mr F. G. Appleton (Police)

Mr W. Williamson (Police)

Mr T. P. Ross

Mr A. Popple

Mr & Mrs W. C. Crommelin

Mrs E. M. Van Leeuween

Mr K. Schouten

Mr D. Roukens

Mrs S. Costedes

Mr O. Brown (Police)

Dr L. B. Ghows

Mr W. Watson (Police)

Mrs D. J. Watson

Mr A. Billingham     (Police)

Mr W. E. B. Howell (Police)

Mr H. M. S. Goldie     (Police)

Mr A. E. Tate     (Police)

Mr C. Pope     (Police)

Mr J. Ring

Mrs M. Ring

Mr F. Shanks

Dr B. Tillinger

Mr H. W. G. McLaren

Mr & Mrs A. G. Langston

Mstr. E. R. Langston

Mrs H. B. Leiper

Mr D. Nickson

Mr V. Olofinsky

Miss M. G. White

Mrs A. White

Mr Rowcliffe, C.

Miss R. G. Razavette

Mrs A. K. Saunders

Mr G. W. Shaw

Mr D. G. Cairns

Mr R. W. Jenner (Police)

Mr W. L. Clarke (Police)

Mr A. M. J. Wright

Mr J. S. Charter

Mrs Y. J. S. Charter

Mr & Mrs T. Bolt

Miss Bolt

Mr & Mrs W. Bruce

Mr R. H. Woodman

Mr & Mrs A. R. Cox

Mr W. J. Morris

Mr H. H. Blyth and 2 children

Mr J. Evans

Mrs Evans and 3 children

Mrs N. Elson

Mr C. Davis 

Mr W. G. McKie

Mr W. Littler

Mr & Mrs J. C. C. Chalmers

Mr & Mrs A. D. Wyllie

Miss M. C. Cameron

Miss I. W. Cruickshanks

Mrs D. M. Tate

Mr & Mrs C. Pfister

Mrs C. Barry

Mrs Allinson, M.

Miss A. M Davies

Miss D. E. Dymond

Miss A. M. Cullinan

Miss R. Spry

Miss S. D. Spencer

Mr M. L. Bevan (Police)

Mr H. Cocyoumdjian

Mrs M. Jefferies

Mr M. D. Watson

Rev. R. W. Gallagher

Mr. J. P. Naef

Rev. G. L. Kennedy

Rev. T. R. FitzGerald

Second List

Mr W. R. Worrall

Mrs A. G. Jefford

Mr C. H. Cammiade

Mrs C. H. Cammiade

Mr and Mrs G. M. Reichelt and Family

Mr D. Danielsen

Mrs E. M. Schreyer and Children

Miss S. Harris

Mrs A. Costello

Mrs W. J. Pennington

Miss E. Allen

Mr and Mrs N. E. Hunter

Mrs M. Histed and Daughter

Miss M. Tatz

Mstr. R. Tatz

Miss J. Tatz

Miss H. Ayock

Mr S. Gray

Mr L. H. Railton

Mr J. B. Harrison

Miss E. M. Summers

Mr and Mrs Lederhofer

Miss P. A. Lederhofer

Mrs M. G. Frederick

Mrs W. Phillips

Miss M. G. Paterson

Mr A. W. Ingram

Mr and Mrs C. Chong

Mrs C. Chong

Mr L. C. F. Bellamy

Mr and Mrs N. D. Carmona and Daughter

Mr M. Scott

Mr W. D. Gardner

Miss L. J. Churn

Mr A. P. Zaremba (Police)

Mr H. W. E. Heath (Police)

Mr R. N. Rennie (Police)

Mrs A. M. Rennie

Mr D. R. Fyffe (Police)

Mrs F. V. Tichopad

Sir Atholl and Lady MacGregor (already embarked)

Mr A. D. Brown

Mr T. J. Laufer

Mrs V. J. Armstrong and children

Mr and Mrs W. G. Humphreys

Mr R. R. Todd

Mr W. O. Nodes

Mrs D. A. Glazoonoff

Mr and Mrs V. C. Seymour and Child

Third List

Mr G. H. Cautherley

Mr G. Frost

Mr E. H. MacNider

Miss G. M. MacNider

Mr H. J. Pearce

Mr J. Barnet

Mr J. S. Dinnen

Mr J. G. Bailey

Mr M. I. De Ville

Mrs E. A. Fidoe

Mr R. A. C. North

Mr J. G. Whitcroft

Rabbi R. Eleazer

Mrs R. Eleazer

Mr M. Eleazer

Miss J. V. Eleazer

Mstr. E. Eleazer

Miss M. Eleazer

Miss D. Eleazer

Miss M. Eleazer

Mrs H. G. Wittenbach

Miss F. G. Wittenbach

Miss C. M. Wittenbach

Indian Passengers

Mr K. Sabnani

Mr R. J. Bhavnani

Mr J. P. Hingorani

Mr F. H. Hoosenally

Mr S. C. Ebrahim

Mr E. A. Tapai

Mr H. E. Tapai

Mr A. Abdoolcader

Mr S. K. Hoosenally

Mr F. G. Abdoolcarim

Mr T. K. Tyebkhan

Mr A. K. Tyebkhan

Mr and Mrs D. P. Daryanani and Family

Mr J. C. Adwani

Mr N. M. Pavri

Mr A. R. Ahmedbhai

Mr T. A. Degani

Mr T. A. Barma

Mr and Mrs A. H. Vaswani and family


1st floor, Hong Kong &
Shanghai Bank Bldg.
30th September, 1945.

Published on p.2 of SCMP for 2 Oct 1945.



Those who have asked for repatriation to AUSTRALIA are informed that it is possible that some accommodation for passengers for Australia may be available on the above named ship which is expected to leave on the 3rd October. They would probably be transhipped at Singapore or Colombo. The earliest possible notice will be given in the Press of the names of any persons for whom such accommodation can be found and they should watch for Press notice's.

1st Floor, Hong Kong &
Shanghai Bank Bldg.,
Tel. No. 29642.

30th September, 1945.

Published on p.4 of SCMP for 1 Oct 1945.



With reference to Repratiation ((sic.)) Notice No. 9: No accommodation will be available in this ship for passengers for Australia.

1st Floor, Hong Kong &
Shanghai Sank Bldg.

Published on p.2 of SCMP for 2 Oct 1945.

((An extension to the original Notice No. 8))



Mr L. Guy,

Mr C. Dworjack,

Mr G. B. Shotton.

Mrs E. Westergaard,

Mr C. W. Tresise,

Mr and Mrs J. R. L. Stanton and Child,

Mrs F. C. Allison,

Miss P. A. Ayrton,

Miss D. M. Baker,

Miss M. N. Baxter,

Mrs M. C. Barber,

Mr W. D. Barker,

Mrs M. V. Blake,

Mr and Mrs F. E. E. Booker and daughter,

Miss M. L. Botelho,

Mrs C. Burgess and daughter,

Mrs Cheape and daughter,

Mr and Mrs A. G. Clark,

Mr G. G. Clarke,

Mr and Mrs R. F. Clark,

Mr and Mrs R. J. B. Clark,

Miss J. Critchett,

Mrs I. J. Cutler,

Mr and Mrs H. Dawson-Grove,

Mr G. Dawson-Grove,

Mr H. K. P. Den Boestad,

Mrs M. De Schipper and family,

Mrs K. K. Dobritsky,

Mrs O. K. Robinson.

Mrs G. M. Dobson,

Miss B. Earner,

Mr C. O. Ellis,

Miss C. M. Fisher,

Miss M. V. Fisher,

Miss H. C. Fisher,

Mr R. FitzGerald,

Miss I. FitzGerald,

Mrs A. C. Flippance,

Mrs R. L. Fobbs,

Mr and Mrs L. J. Fordham,

Mr and Mrs J. A. Fox, 

Mrs M. J. Fowlie,

Mrs A. C. Franklin,

Mr and Mrs E. S. Franks,

Mr and Mrs H. W. Fraser,

Miss E. M. Gray,

Mrs M. R. Gerondal,

Miss M. F. D. Gemmel,

Miss W. I. Griffin,

Mr E. G. N. Grimble,

Mr and Mrs A. J. Hall,

Mr P. T. Hamlin,

Mr H. J. Hertwigsen,

Mrs F. Haughland and daughter

Mr W. A. Hawkes,

Mr and Mrs J. H. Hedley and family,

Miss E. M. Hicks,

Mr W. C. Higgs,

Mrs F. N. Hill and 2 daughters,

Mrs G. Howell,

Mrs H. James,

Miss S. James,

Miss F. James,

Mstr James,

Miss M. G. Lay,

Mr L. M. Lloyd,

Mrs J. G. Lloyd,

Miss K. Marley,

Mrs M. May,

Miss L. M. Metcalf,

Miss R. Milne,

Mr F. H. Mody,

Mrs L. J. Money,

Miss M. B, Newman,

Mr W. R. Parker,

Miss M. Parsons,

Mrs N. Passmore,

Mr D. Passmore,

Mr G. W. Pearson,

Mr H. V. Pemble,

Mr B. Plumb,

Miss B. M. Pope,

Miss A. L. Popham,

Miss N. Quin,

Mrs E. B. Redmond,

Mr M. Reiners,

Miss D. Revell,

Mrs M, Rich,

Mrs D. D. Richards,

Mr and Mrs W. W. Ritchie,

Mr J. L. Robinson,

Mrs A. M. Rowell,

Mrs E. K. Saunders,

Mr M. G. Saunders,

Mrs D. L. Simpson and daughter,

Mrs C. A. Sing and two sons,

Miss P. M, Slack,

Mrs C. Smith,

Mr F. Solhaug,

Miss L. Stops,

Mr J. S. B. B. Stuart,

Mrs E. A. Stuart,

Miss M. J. Stuart,

Mrs J. Taylor,

Mr J. D. Taylor,

Miss A. A. Thom,

Mr C. R. W. Thomson,

Miss M. M. Tyrrell,

Mr A. C. Venables,

Mr and Mrs J. H. Van Der Laan,

Miss C. I. Watson,

Mrs N. Wadeson,

Mr and Mrs F. C. Whitfield and family,

Miss W. Wickett,

Miss W. Williamson,

Mr D. Wilson,

Mr and Mrs W. R. Worrall and family,

Mrs C. M. Wyatt,

Mr A. J. Mackechenie,

Mrs H. H. Dubois and Son,

Mr. W. P. Clemow,

Miss E. Hall,

Mr C. R. Coles,

Mr R. A. Camidge,

Mr E. S. Jones,

Mrs E. Mack and child,

Mrs H. Kennedy-Skipton and daughters,

Mr W. E. Jones,

Mrs E. Monks,

Mrs J. Hill,

Mrs M. S. Bruce,

Mrs A. F. Paul,

Mrs Stainton,

Mrs B. C. Carter,

Mr and Mrs R. A. Button and 2 sons,

Mr and Mrs W. L. Ramsey and 2 sons,

Mrs L. Hutchison,

Mr and Mrs B. P. Fielder and daughter,

Miss L. M. Metcalf,

Miss N. G. Karmilova,

Mrs R. M. Gilbert and daughter,

Mr and Mrs J. W. Braga and family,

Mrs E. S. Longworth.


Mr B. U. Mansukani,

Mr M. M. Khalhel,

Mr P. Satramdas,

Mr B. J. Chanchalani,

Mr T. D. Mirchandani,

Mr M. N. Hirarandani,

Mr H. Jethmal,

Mr R. D. Bukshani,

Mr C. L. Vasandani,

Mr K. H. Mohamed,

Mr H. Sedik,

Mrs A. Sadik,

Miss A. Sadik,

Miss S. Sadik,

Mstr M. Sadik,

Miss Hanifabai,

Mr H. F. Baxamusa,

Mr E. A. Ebrahim,

Mr A. D. Ebrahim,

Mr F. a. Ruawalla,

Mr A. A. Cader.

Repatriation Office, 1st Floor,
Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank
Bldg. 1.10.45.

Published on p.2 of SCMP for 2 Oct 1945.


Accommodation for MEN only for Australia, New Zealand, United States of America and Canada will be available on a ship leaving on Saturday, 6th October. Lists will be published in Friday evening’s paper.

Applications for passages will be received in this office up to 11.00 a.m. to-morrow, Friday.

The undermentioned ore listed for the ship.—

Mr F. W. Shaftain (Police)

Mr F. H. Weare (Police)

Mr F. J. Clarke (Police)

Mr N. A. Elberg (Police)

Pastor J. Neilsen

Mr D. L. Newbigging

Mr G. E. F. Thompson

Mr N. Lee (6, Tsap Tseung St.)

Mr F. M. L. Ball

Mr L. G. J. Batten

Mr K. G. Blair

Mr H. L. Clift

Mr A. J. Kew

Mr V. V. Macdonnell

Mr E. H. Smyth

Mr E. J. Spradbury

Mr H. V. Thorne

Mr F. W. Van der Sleesen

Mr L. Visser

Mr W. D. Murray

Mr H. W. R. C. McDonald

4th October, 1945.

Published on p.4 of SCMP for 5 Oct 1945.



1. Stanley passengers assemble at Stanley at 9.15 a.m. on Sunday, 7th October.

2. Hong Kong passengers assemble at Queen’s Pier at 10.00 a.m.; or if residents of Kowloon assemble at Holt’s Wharf at 11.00 a.m.

3. Passengers must not board the vessel without first obtaining their embarkation card.

The undermentioned are listed for this ship:—

Mr F. H. Weare.

Mr F. J. Clarke.

Mr N. A. Elberg.

Pastor J. Nielsen.

Dr H. L. Clift.

Mr F. W. Van der Sleesen.

Mr F. W. Shaftain.

Mr D. L. Newbigging

Mr G. E. F. Thompson.

Mr N. Lee.

Mr H. W. McDonald.

Mr A. B. Hamson.

Mr W. J. Morris

Mr J. R. Low.

Mr and Mrs G. Castle

Capt. C. Boyce.

Mrs M. Barker.

Dr and Mrs J. Lanchester.

Mrs Loseby.

Miss P. Loseby.

Mrs S. A. Pike.

Mrs A. W. de Broekert.

Miss A. M. de Broekert.

Mstr. D. R. J. de Broekert.

Mstr. A. J. de Broekert.

Mrs E. S. Ainslie.

Mrs E. F. Donaldson.

Mrs H. MacLachlan.

Mr and Mrs H. Piercy.

Mrs. M. Sheppard.

Mrs L. Corra.

Miss C. Corra.

Mr Corra.

Mr and Mrs R. Z. Levi.

Miss D. E. Pepperrell.

Mr and Mrs W. L. Ramsey.

Mr W. J. Ramsey.

Mr J. E. Ramsey.

7th October, 1945.


The undermentioned persons are warned to stand by for embarkation for AUSTRALIA, CANADA and the U.S.A.

Name of ship and date, times and places of embarkation will be published in the Press immediately these are available.


Mrs M. Sheppard.


Mrs M. Braga,

Mother St. Benoit,

Sister Ste Gertrude,

Miss L. Eichenbaum,

Miss D. W. Woo,

Mrs M. Reynolds,

Mr and Mrs C. Pearson-Grant,

Miss F. M. Snuggs,

Mr and Mrs G. T. Bailey,

Mrs G. Kwok and daughter,

Miss M. G. Yip.


Mr and Mrs H. J. Low and children,

Mrs M. S. Chan Yan and children.


Mr V. L. Veriga,

Mrs V. Veriga,

Miss N. Dillon,

Mr and Mrs M. Stanley,

Mrs G. A. Pike

Mr E. H. Smyth,

Mr L. G. J. Batten, and Miss M. Matheson.

Mrs E. Chung,

Mrs M. T. Williams,

Miss V. Williams,

Miss F. Leong,

Mrs M. May,

Miss Lily Lee,

Mr and Mrs H.Yuen and child,

Miss A. R. Sing,

Mrs U. Sing and Mrs H. Ching and family.

Further list to follow.

10th October, 1945.

Published on p.4 of SCMP for 11 Oct 1945.


All persons registered for early repatriation should continue to stand by.

As accommodation becomes available the names of those for embarkation and details of vessels and times of sailing will be published in the Press.

Accommodation is uncertain, but it is hoped that those whose names have appeared in the Press may be able to leave.

11th October, 1945.

Published on p.4 of SCMP for 13 Oct 1945.



The undermentioned are the passengers for the above vessel:

Mr L. G. J. Batten,

Miss N. Dillon,

Mrs E. Chung,

Mrs Ching & family,

Mr W. G. Fitzgibbon,

Mr J. A. Kennard,

Miss F. Leong,

Miss L. Lee,

Miss M. Matheson,

Mr & Mrs J. A. R. May,

Mrs S. A. Pike,

Mr & Mrs M. Stanley,

Mrs U. Sing,

Miss A. R. Sing,

Mrs E. Starchenko,

Mr V. L. Veriga,

Mrs V. Veriga,

Mrs M. T. Williams,

Miss V. Williams,

Mr H. Yuen,

Miss W. Yuen,

Master H. Yuen,

Mr S. O. Berg,

Mrs T. Berg,

Mr S. G. Hayes,

Mrs L. Lim,

Miss P. Lim,

Mr H. V. Pearse,

Mr J. J. Wilcox.

Hong Kong passengers assemble at Queen's Pier at 10. a.m. on Sunday, October 14th and Kowloon passengers assemble at Holt's Wharf at 11 a.m.

Passengers must not embark without first obtaining their embarkation card.



Published on p.3 of the SCMP for 14 Oct 1945.



It is expected that H.M.S. “Empire Lagan” will be leaving the Colony for the United Kingdom on Wednesday next, 17th October.

There will be accommodation for a few women and children and up to fifty men.

Those listed for early repatriation to the United Kingdom should stand by in readiness.

Lists for those for embarkation will be published on Monday evening, 15th October.

13th October, 1945.

Published on p.4 of the SCMP for 15 Oct 1945.



The undermentioned persons are requested to stand by in readiness to sail by the s/s "Empire Lagan” which will be leaving for the United Kingdom on Friday (19 th) or Saturday (20th) inst.:-—

Maher, S. A., Spr.

Morrison, R., Cpl.

McMaster, W. D., Pte.

Voronoff, P., Mrs.

Langston, A. G., Pte.

Johnson, G. E. L., Sgt.

Johnson, M., Mrs.

Lee, J., Mr.

Komorsky, Z., Mrs.

Houston, W., Cpl.

Humphrey, S. E. M., Mrs.

Humphrey, E. G. K., Sgt.

Paterson, D. M., Mrs.

Hunt, H. J., Mrs.

Hunt, A. M., Miss

Anstey, E. C. K., Miss

Archangelsky, O., Miss

Atkins, E. S., Miss

Bateman M. O., Mrs,

Baxter, M. N., Miss

Berzin, A., Miss

Blake, M. V. Mrs.

Braga, L. W., Mrs.

Braga, J. P. Miss

Braga, R. M., Miss

Gilbert, R., Mrs.

Gilbert, G., Miss

Rickett, A., Mrs. 

Watson, M. S., Miss

Tyrrell, M. M., Miss

White, M., Mrs.

White, M., Miss

White, D. B., Master

Messrs. Anderson, J. W.

Messrs. Bateman, R. W.

Messrs. Braga, J. V.

Dr. Canaval, G. C.

Messrs. Crookdrake, G.

Messrs. Croucher, N. V.    A.

Messrs. Dawson, D. L.

Messrs. Esdakoff, P. B.

Messrs. Gilbert, P.

Messrs. Gillies, W.

Messrs. Guerci, G.

Messrs. Kempton, J.

Messrs. Kimatrai, J.

Messrs. Hailgreen, H.

Messrs. Lay, A. C. H.

Messrs. Lay, A. T.

Messrs. McClatchie, J. D.

Messrs. McLeod, W.

Messrs. Plumb, B.

Messrs. Streatfield, E. P.

Messrs. White, F. A.

Messrs. Michie, J.

Messrs. Kothari, N. A.

Mne. Franklin, J. PO/xl05057

L/Cpl. Drinkwater, R. 14502460.

Fus. Simmons, V. 7022725

Pte. Kelly, M. P. 14993036

Mne. Mumford, J. R. POX102007

It is always desirable for repatriates to take a small folding stool, and a pillow. Plenty of old shorts and khaki shirts, are desirable as washing facilities are generally small.

15th October, 1945.



(1) The undermentioned are listed for embarkation:-


  • Mr S. Peacock,
  • Mr G. C. Burnett,
  • Mr C. Milne,
  • Mr B. W. Bradbury,
  • Mr F. Edwards,
  • Mr R. J. Clarke,
  • Mr A. L. Ustiantseff,
  • Mr G. Robinson,
  • Mr I. Nemeroff, Mrs M. G. Nemeroff,
  • Miss E. R. Little,
  • Mrs A. Lammert,
  • Mrs N. Tucker and son,
  • Messrs. G. L. Gregory,
  • G. F. L'Estrange,
  • A. A. Korshoonoff,
  • C. H. Summers,
  • Mr & Mrs F. W. Foster,
  • Mr R. Griggs,
  • Mr J. Gibson,
  • Mrs Chung Lun, Miss D. O. Chung Lun, Miss B. Chung Lun, Master B. T. Chung Lun,
  • Dr (Mrs) E. T. Tranquillevsky.


  • Mrs Elsie Cunningham,
  • Mr & Mrs A. C. Venshou, Miss J. Venshou, Mstr G. Venshou,
  • Mr & Mrs M. J. Nesteroff and two children.

(2)    Hong Kong passengers will assemble at Queen’s Pier at 10.15 a.m. on Saturday, the 17th instant.
Kowloon passengers will assemble at No. 2 Pier, Kowloon Wharf at 10.30 a.m. to await Embarkation Officer.

(3)    Passengers must NOT board the vessel without first obtaining their embarkation cards, which will be issued at assembly points.

(4)    The above does NOT include passengers listed by RAPWI.

??th November 1945.

Published on p.6 of SCMP for 17 Nov 1945.



1. The undermentioned are listed for H.M.S. “VINDEX” which will be sailing for Australia.


  • Mr G. F. L’Estrange,
  • Mr and Mrs W. G. C. Ham and children,
  • Mr and Mrs M. Chin and son.


  • Mr H. V. Thorne.


  • Mr and Mrs N. S. Volkoff,
  • Mrs Sakhrani and children,
  • Mr and Mrs W. Gunn, Jr. and children.

2. Hong Kong passengers assemble at Queen’s Pier at 10.15 a.m. on Sunday, November 18th and Kowloon passengers will assemble at Naval Landing Base (Between Star Ferry and Kowloon Godown Wharves) at 10.45 a.m. to await Embarkation Officer.

3. Passengers must not board the vessel without first obtaining their embarkation cards, which will be issued at assemply points.

4. The above does not include passengers listed by RAPWI.


16th November, 1945.

Published on p.2 of SCMP for 17 Nov 1945.



The undermentioned persons are warned to stand by in readiness to leave for MANILA (en route for U.S.A.) by H.M.S "Glory” which may leave Hong Kong on Wednesday, 21st November or, shortly afterwards.

Instructions as to places and times for embarkation will be published later.

Those who have not received certificates from the United States Consul and who desire to be repatriated must call at the Consulate and also on the Repatriation Officer before 4 p.m. Tuesday, 20th November.

Mrs M. A. Boulton

Miss Dorothy W. K. Chin and two brothers

Mrs Dellamae Chin and two sons

Mr and Mrs T. P. Gregory and daughter

Mr and Mrs C. R. Jonsson and daughter

Mr A. B. W. Nance

Miss Ching Chui-moi and two brothers.

19th November, 1945.

Published on p.6 of SCMP for 20 Nov 1945.