54 Squadron, Royal Engineers [????-????]

Submitted by David on

The squadron has been in Hong Kong several times, in slightly different versions (details from British Army units from 1945 on, and a brief history given in the programme for the 1958 Queen's Birthday Parade):

  • 1949-1962
    • 24 Field Squadron arrived in Hong Kong in September 1949 as part of the 24 Field Engineer Regiment.
    • In January 1950, the number of the Squadron was changed from 25 to 54, so they became 54 Field Squadron.
    • 24 Field Engineer Regiment left Hong Kong in May 1958, but the squadron stayed behind and became the 54 Independent Field Squadron
    • In October 1962 they were renamed again to become the 54 Corps Field Park Squadron.
    • They left Hong Kong at the end of 1962.
  • 1971-1975
    • 54 (Hong Kong) Support Squadron was formed in 1971 by renaming the Hong Kong Support Squadron. At the end of 1975 it was disbanded. 

On arrival in Hong Kong the Field Squadrons led a Nomadic life in various parts of the New Territories until the Regiment finally concentrated at Tai Lam in 1952.

Ron Wallis has posted photos from his time with the 54 Field Squadron during 1950-52, when they were building Route Twisk. 

Armed services
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Hi Ron, I served with 24 Fld Enr Regt at Gordon Camp in Hong Kong in the 50s, I was with 56 Fld Sqn and then 24 RHQ. The regt went home and I was transferred to 54 Ind Sqn where I finished my service.

I am having a go at tracing 24 Fld and 54 Sqn when they came to the colony at Sek Kong before going down to the Tai Lam area and forming into Sqns.

I have found a number of your photos and was wondering if you would permit me to download them and print them off to put into my album. I have about 15 albums so far including serving with the troop I was with 56 up at Kohima Camp in South Korea attached to the Royal Sussex Regiment on the 38th parallel.

I would appreciate using your photos which other than the album and a site I started to build on the internet.

My REgards to you. We are UBIQUE.