03 Jan 1942, P. O. W. and ESCAPE DIARY.

Submitted by emride on Mon, 01/22/2018 - 14:11

Slept better last night.  Had some army biscuits and tea about 9.  Breakfast of rice at 1000. 

Saw Col Lamb about Jubilee Bldgs for Isolation Hosp;  found the N.E. end flats unsuitable but the N.W. ones were good so decided on them.  Found one bath that could be used as a water supply to flush the closets. 

Interviewed another lot of Japs this a.m. but could get nothing out of them except the statement that one of their Drs had the matter in hand. 

Had a talk with Lee about possible routes.  Considered boat to west of Macao but owing to the unknown nature of area and probability of occupation in force of that area decided against it.  Still think the Weichow route the best taking off from end of pier, changing into Ch clothes, landing this side of Lai Chi Kok and getting up onto row of hills above the catchment on the north side where there is more cover, and eventually making for Nan Chu. 

In afternoon inspected the camp.  Not good enough yet.  Unit cmdrs meeting at 1700.  No Jap promises had materialised today.  Hardly enough food left in camp for one day.  No med supplies yet.  Rice for evening meal. 

Moon up at 1935.  Sentry at shipping corner and none all the way along broken fence.  Should be able to get out there by belly crawling unless there are Wong Ching Wei men in sheds outside in the cabbage patches.  Had long talk today to Coombes and Crawford and doubt whether either of them think it wise to have a shot at getting out.  Also spoke to Barrow;  his idea is to go by water all the way.  Must look for a third to come with us. 

Great trade going on at the fence;  buns 3 for $1, buckets $5 each, jam $3 a tin etc. 

Had a visit at 2115 when we were all in bed from Lt Sawamoto who is very friendly;  he said he had no beds or blankets. But some bags and medicines for us and would bring them at between 1400 and 1500 hrs tomorrow if we would have a fatigue party at the gates ready.  He said all their hospitals were very full but would not tell us how many and where they came from.  They are using CMH [?QMH] Kowloon Hosp and Cent Brit Sch.  He said Mjrs name was Joh and the Mjr General from Canton and that he was on a tour of inspection. 

Not so cold or windy tonight but mosquitoes rather troublesome.  Nice sunset over peak tonight.  How often have I seen it from there with the children! ((They had all lived at Edge Hill on the Peak.))

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