L. T. Ride's P.O.W. and ESCAPE DIARY.

Submitted by emride on Mon, 01/22/2018 - 14:08
Book type
Diary / Memoir
Dates of events covered by this document

Sample pages


Very bright clear day.  N.W. still blowing. Inspected camp and found it for the most part in filthy condition.  Latrines terrible and drains blocked.  1st Mx easily the best. 

Nips did not come today as they promised, to take the cases away, nor did they bring the equipment.  They are full of empty promises but never intend to do anything. 

Arranged to feed with Winnipeg Grenadiers.  Opened Isolation Hosp for dysenteries and put…

Bitterly cold wind last night which kept on blowing bags away from windows.  Slept very little owing to sore hips and cold wind.  Rice for breakfast with a little cabbage and carrots at 10 am. 

Saw General and asked him to lodge a vigorous protest about camp conditions. 

Dysentery cases in Jubilee refuse to move to new isolation hospital.  7 of them are lying on the floor in a room in Jubilee Blgs.  They are relatively cosy and if they move they…

Slept better last night.  Had some army biscuits and tea about 9.  Breakfast of rice at 1000. 

Saw Col Lamb about Jubilee Bldgs for Isolation Hosp;  found the N.E. end flats unsuitable but the N.W. ones were good so decided on them.  Found one bath that could be used as a water supply to flush the closets. 

Interviewed another lot of Japs this a.m. but could get nothing out of them except the statement that one of their Drs had the matter in…