Nederlandsch-Indische Handelsbank / Netherlands India Commercial Bank [1907-1950]

Submitted by schultie on

In 1950 the Nederlandsch-Indische Handelsbank was renamed Nationale Handelsbank N.V. They had their offices at 8, Des Voeux Road. The English name on the signs was Netherlands India Commercial Bank. However, instead of "India" the phrase "East Indies" would have been more an accurate description.

Date organisation created
(Day & Month are approximate.)
Date organisation closed
(Day & Month are approximate.)
Photos of this organisation:
(see more)

Photos of this organisation:



The bank was located in at least three different buildings. 

  • 1906 - 16, Des Voeux Road.

    Page 120 of "20th Century Impressions ..." records the first Hong Kong branch opening at this address: "During recent years the sugar trade of Java with Japan and China has been very large, and with the object primarily of facilitating business the bank extended its operations to Hongkong and established a branch at 16, Des Voeux Road, Central, on November 1, 1906." The bank is also shown at this address in the "Directory & Chronicle ..." for 1907, 1908, & 1909.
  • c.1910 - 8, Des Voeux Road.

    Sometime between 1909-1911 the bank moved to new premises, a short distance east at number 8. It is shown at that location on the 1911 map, and in the "Directory & Chronicle ..." for 1912.
  • 1931 - Royal Building.

    Another nearby move, this time across the tram tracks to the opposite side of the road. The bank moved moved in to Royal Building over Easter, 1931 - see