Photos of Southorn Playground, Wanchai [????- ]

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Year Sort descending Title
1931 1930s China Circus - Wanchai Reclamation Grounds

1931 1931 Chinese Circus - Wanchai Reclamation Grounds (Southorn Playground)
1931 Chinese Circus - Wanchai Reclamation Grounds (Southorn Playground)

1932 Southorn Playground in 1932
Southorn Playground in 1932

1939 c.1939 View from the Peak
c.1939 View from the Peak

1930s 1930s wanchai air view.png
1930s wanchai air view.png

1940 construction of air raid shelter at southorn playgd
construction of air raid shelter at southorn playgd

1945 Chung Wan, Wan Chai
Chung Wan, Wan Chai

1946 1946 Wanchai view

1947 1940s Wanchai & Admiralty
1940s Wanchai & Admiralty

1947 Looking across the harbour to Kai Tak
Looking across the harbour to Kai Tak

1949 Southorn Playground 1949
Southorn Playground 1949

1940s Hong Kong, apartment living
Hong Kong, apartment living

1951 Southorn playground entrance 1953
southern playground entrance 1960s

1952 Wanchai view

1953 1953-s-stadium-2.png

1953 1953-s-stadium-3.png

1953 1953 children party at southorn stadium 7
1953 children party at southorn stadium 7

1953 1953 children party at southorn stadium 8
1953 children party at southorn stadium 8

1953 1953 children party at southorn stadium 9
1953 children party at southorn stadium 9

1953 1953 children party at southorn stadium 11
1953 children party at southorn stadium 11

1953 1953 children party at southorn stadium 12
1953 children party at southorn stadium 12

1953 1953 children party at southorn stadium 1
1953 children party at southorn stadium 1

1953 1953 children party at southorn stadium 2
1953 children party at southorn stadium 2

1953 1953 children party at southorn stadium 3
1953 children party at southorn stadium 3

1953 1953 children party at southorn stadium 4
1953 children party at southorn stadium 4

1953 1953 children party at southorn stadium 5
1953 children party at southorn stadium 5

1953 1953 children party at southorn stadium 6
1953 children party at southorn stadium 6

1955 1955 view over Wanchai

1956 1956 Junction of Hennessy and Luard Roads

1956 c Wanchai From Mid Levels.
c Wanchai From Mid Levels.

1957 1957 Wanchai&Harbour.jpg
1957 Wanchai&Harbour.jpg

1957 1957 Wanchai&Harbour2.jpg
1957 Wanchai&Harbour2.jpg

1957 1957 wanchai waterfront
1957 wanchai waterfront

1957 Southorn Playground
Southorn Playground

1957 Southorn Playground
Southorn Playground

1957 1957 Wanchai view

1958 Wan Chai.
Wan Chai.

1958 1958 Junction of Johnston Road and O'Brien Road

1950s Southorn Playground
Southorn Playground

1950s 1950s Johnston Rd & Southorn Playground
1950s Johnston Rd & Southorn Playground

1950s c.1950 view across Wanchai
c.1950 view across Wanchai

1950s 32855828-10214656828427130-7767034753760362496-o.jpg

1950s 1950s economic canteen Southorn Playground
1950s economic canteen southern playground

1960 Southorn Playground
Southorn Playground

1963 1963-air-view-southern-playground.png

1964 1964 Johnston Road
1964 johnston road

1965 1965 southorn playground
1965 southorn playground

1967 1967 luard-hennessey junction looking east
1967 luard-hennessey junction looking east

1969 1969 wanchai air view
1969 wanchai air view

1975 Johnston Road (2).jpg
Johnston Road (2).jpg

2001 Southorn Playground, Johnston Rd
Southorn Playground,  Johnston Rd

2024 Johnston Road莊士敦道
Johnston Road莊士敦道

???? welfare building wanchai
welfare building wanchai

???? stadium entrance southorn playground
stadium entrance southorn playground

???? 32430357-10214635473013258-6817153606119063552-n.jpg