Chapter 10 : Mong Kok revisited

Submitted by philk on

He is taken into Sai Kung by a hotel worker (a former member of the East River Brigade) who takes him to see some vertically buried Japanese Soldiers - killed by him and a friend during the Japanese Occupation. Only the tops of their skulls are visible in the ground.

During Ching Ming, he and his mother are invited by their Chinese friends to partake in some grave sweeping in the hills next to Fan Ling station. I believe these may be the hills immediately behind Fung Yin Sin Koon which are still heavily used for traditional circular graves.

The Tin Hau festival is described and they go by boat (past Lei Yue Mun) to Tai Miu Wan (Joss House Bay) to see the temple celebrations. He then talks about Tit Cham Chau - at the time an island, now it has been absorbed into the massive reclamation around Junk Bay. After this they sail to the Ninepin Islands.On the way they see a large manta ray and some sharks.


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$view_args = array('389,399'); //Term IDs for 'golden boy' and 'chapter N' tags
$view_name = 'places_on_list_simple'; //name of view
$view = views_get_view($view_name);
if (!empty($view)) {
echo $view->execute_display('default', $view_args);

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$view_args = array('389,399'); //Term IDs for 'golden boy' and 'chapter N' tags
$view_name = 'places_map_arg'; //name of view
$view = views_get_view($view_name);
if (!empty($view)) {
echo $view->execute_display('default', $view_args);