Chapter 1 : Port Out

Submitted by philk on

The first chapter doesn't really have much until the very end, and even then it is observations rather than places he actually visits.

Initially he mentions seeing a small village next to a golf course (we believe it is most likely to be Shek O).

Their ship - the Corfu - came into Victoria Harbour via the eastern entrance as he points out a shipyard and a large factory complex. One of the factories had "Taikoo" written on it.

He also notes a "large cube of a grey stone building" (perhaps the Peninsula?) as well as an "ornate clock tower" - obviously the KCR TST Terminus.

He mentions a mountain looking like one of the lions around Nelson's column - Lion Rock - and of course HMS Tamar.

Feel free to start adding photos and context to the above, don't forget the initial chapters occur in 1952.


Here are the places from this chapter that have been created so far. For more information about a place, either click its name in the list, or click its red marker on the map. Your are welcome to add another place - just remember to give it the tags golden boy, chapter 1 so that it shows up on the list and map below.

$view_args = array('389,391'); //Term IDs for 'golden boy' and 'chapter N' tags
$view_name = 'places_on_list_simple'; //name of view
$view = views_get_view($view_name);
if (!empty($view)) {
echo $view->execute_display('default', $view_args);

The map below is 'live': you can drag it around with your mouse, click the +/- buttons to zoom in and out, and click the Map/ Satellite/ Hybrid buttons to change the appearance of the map.

$view_args = array('389,391'); //Term IDs for 'golden boy' and 'chapter N' tags
$view_name = 'places_map_arg'; //name of view
$view = views_get_view($view_name);
if (!empty($view)) {
echo $view->execute_display('default', $view_args);