Lionel Eugene LAMMERT [1880-1971]

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Lionel Eugene
Birthplace (country)
Hong Kong

Details from John Black's list, which lists Lammert's profession as "Auctioneer".

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Ancestry Public Tree

Lionel Eugene Lammert

Birth 7 October 1880 Christening 20 January 1881 • Hong Kong, China

Death  21 August 1971 • Tunbridge Wells, Kent, England

Marriage 18 November 1913 St John's Cathedral Hong Kong

Spouse Florence Annie Lammert nee Odell 1889 -  27 October 1975

Their children born in Hong Kong

Elsie Jean Lammert 1914 - 1969

Lionel Ernest Lammert 1915 - 1941 Killed in action, Hong Kong Defence Force. "Believed to have been decapitated after capture in Causeway Bay" according to "not the slightest chance: the defence of Hong Kong 1941" UK and Foreign Records 2nd Lieutenant Lionel Ernest Lammert died between10 and 25  December 1941. Killed in action.

Florence Isabel Lammert 1917 - 2007

Margery Yvonne Lammert 1920 - 2002

Passenger List Hong Kong to London arriving 1 September 1957

Lionel E Lammert  born 7 October 1880 Auctioneer

F A Lammert born 25 February 18?? (illegible)

Burial Hong Kong Cemetery

Lionel Eugene Lammert    7 October 1880 - 21 August 1971 age 90

Spouse Florence Lammert ???? - 1975

Card Smith Card

Florence Annie Lammert  of 26 Daw Lane West Mersea Essex died 27 August 1975. Imported from England and buried 26 March 1976 in Hong Kong 


Their wedding was reported on p.10 of The Hong Kong Telegraph, 1913-11-18:


A quiet, but none the less pretty, Wedding was celebrated at St. John’s Cathedral this morning when Mr Lionel Lammert was married to Miss O’Dell, who recently arrived from Bedford, England. The event was attended by a large number of the intimate friends of the bridegroom, and the ceremony was performed by the Rev. V.H. Copley Moyle, Mr Denman Fuller being at the organ.

The bride, who was charmingly attired, was given away by Mr George Lammert, the eldest brother of the bridegroom, while Miss Shaw attended as bridesmaid. Mr Harold Seth was "best man.”

After the wedding a reception was held at the residence of Mrs G.R. Lammert, Lyeemoon, Barker Road, The Peak, when the usual toasts were honoured. Mr and Mrs Lammert subsequently left for Macao, where the honeymoon is being spent.