Lammert & Co. [c.1862- ]

Submitted by Klaus on

Lammerts the auctioneers have a long history in Hong Kong. George Reinhold Lammert, the first of the Lammerts, started in the watchmaking shop of Charles Weiss. (The shop opened in 1852). After few years in business, Weiss left Hong Kong and Charles Henry Glatz took over. During this time, Lammert was working in this shop. The jurors list for 1860 refers:Lammert, G. R., Storekeeper, Queen’s Road. The jurors list for 1862 contains an entry for Charles Glatz from Glatz, Lammert & Co. This is probably the start of the business under the name Lammert.

About 1862/3, Mr. Glatz left Hong Kong, and George Reinhold Lammert, his partner, was in charge of the Hong Kong store. At that time watchmaking is no longer mentioned and the firm of Glatz & Lammert was described as auctioneers, storekeepers and commission agents.

About the year 1863 the name was changed to Lammert, Atkinson & Co as James Atkinson joined the company. Both persons and the company’s name are listed in the 1863 jurors list.

The Directory & Chronicle for China, Japan, Corea, Indo-China, Straits Settlements, Malay States, Sian, Netherlands India, Borneo, the Philippines, &c (1868) refers to the company Lammert, Atkinson & Co., shipchandlers and auctioneers at Queen’s Road. Atkinson left the company about 1867. For many years his auction house was at Pedder's Wharf.  ( Duddell's / Hunt & Co. / Jardine, Matheson & Co.- ML 100 [1855-1907] | Gwulo)

pedders wharf 1870s, by Klaus


The Directory & Chronicle for China, Japan, Corea, Indo-China, Straits Settlements, Malay States, Sian, Netherlands India, Borneo, the Philippines, &c (1876) refers

Lammert, Atkinson & Co. 1876, by Klaus


Their next premise was on Duddell Street, the company moved there around 1894. The Directory & chronicle for China, Japan, Corea, Indo-China, Straits Settlements, Malay States, Siam, Netherlands India, Borneo, the Philippines, &c.  lists the company Lammert, Geo. P. as Auctioneer, Appraiser, and Goods Broker at Duddell Street.

George Reinhold Lammert died on 27 September 1897, aged sixty six. After his death, his eldest son George Philip took charge of the business. The business eventually passed to G.R.'s youngest son, Lionel.

From there they moved in 1935 to the Oriental Building on Connaught Road — the present site of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel. After the liberation of Hong Kong in 1945 they moved into the Pedder Building. Only recently has the company again relocated (SCMP 7 Apr. 1958. Lionel's son in law Ken A. Watson became a partner in 1956 (SCMP 8 Apr. 1956).

The company seems to still exist. Here the name and address are given as Lammert Bros., Limited, Lap Fei Bldg., Central, Hong Kong.

Source: Carl Smith's article, The German Speaking Community in Hong Kong,1846-1918

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