Vincent / Wing-Sin YOUNG (aka BAAG No. 62) [1918- ]

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Vincent / Wing-Sin
Alias / nickname
BAAG No. 62
(Day & Month are approximate.)
Birthplace (country)


Photos that show this Person



No.62 should be Sgt. Vincent Young Wing-sin (of the RA?).  He was a key operative of the BAAG throughout and involved in most aspects of underground operations in HK.  Being Chinese-Jamaican, he had dark complexion and could mingle with the Indians, even going in & out of Matauchung Camp.  He also served as Runner between AHQ and Post Y (Chekkeng, Saikung), probably manning Post X at Shayuchung, Dapeng Bay.  H participated in Ronald Holmes' negotiation with the Red Guerrillas over the capture of the BAAG 'FRIGATE BIRD' Recce Team under No.75 Francis Lee in Dapeng area.  He was also active in the Hainan operation.  In the later days, he was transferred to Force 136.

From the entry for Vincent Young in the BAAG Personnel Register, Ride Collection:

Nationality British-Chinese, born Jamaica 1918, Sgt in RA, BAAG Sept 42 – December 45.

“Before and during hostilities in Hongkong, this man was a Sergeant in the Chinese section RA.  After the capitulation, he evaded capture and reported to the BAAG in China for further service.  He was immediately employed in a civilian capacity (having been discharged from the army according to WO instructions) and sent back to Hongkong on a scheme which eventually resulted in the escape of a large number of Indians.  He remained in Hongkong for some months as our inside Indian contact but when it was found that there was too large a price on his head he was withdrawn and employed on the no less dangerous job of runner between our post in the New Territories and AHQ.  After this post was withdrawn, he was a member of the ill-fated coast watching station that was captured by the Reds, but fortunately he was not at the post at the time of the capture.  He subsequently took a prominent part in the negotiations which lead up to the safe return of those members captured.  Owing to his outstanding bravery and value in field operations, he was transferred to Force 136, but after a period of training during which he again proved to be a man of outstanding qualities, the operation was abandoned.  He then returned to the BAAG and was engaged on an operation in Hainan when hostilities ceased.  He displayed outstanding ability and exemplary courage throughout all his service and was of inestimable value to us in our escape and evasion work.”   (signed) L T Ride, Colonel.  1946.

Just to let you all know that Vincent recently celebrated his 100 birthday, has 4 children, 8 grandchildren and 8 great grandchildren. 

To Evie:  Does Vincent still remember his BAAG days?  I quote an incident from Colin McEwan's memoirs.  "--- Writing his name (Vincent's) unlocks the doors of reminiscence.  On a later trip when Vincent and I were on our own we celebrated a long trail to the coast by finding  most beautiful bay straight out of a travel agent's brochure .  There we swam, lay on the golden sands sunbathing and I can very clearly remember lying without a care, harmonising in the old calyypso (Vincent hjad a voice like Belafonte's) 'It was the Graf Zeppelin that had, Come to pay a visit to Trinidad'. ... We christened the spot 'Mak Yeung Bay' after our Chinese names and promised that we would return 'after the war' ".

Sincere congrqtulations to Vincent.


A quick update on Vincent. He’s still going-now 101, although he’s not in the best of health. His mind however is. He still reminisces about his BAAG days and has an autograph book full of messages from his comrades. I must upload photos of it on to here for you all to see. 

I am the nephew of Andrew Chan who was at Camp X when it was 'captured' by the Reds. For some years now I have been building our Family Tree. And just a month ago, on the suggestion of Ms Elizabeth Ride to revive a BAAG Remembrance group, another descendant of BAAG agent - Mrs Sandra Lau and myself have co-op'ed a few knowledgeable friends, including Gwulo admins, to initially start an email and WhatsApp. Hope you can add your ideas and submit 'stories' and updates of Vincent for families and friends of the younger generations.

For myself, I am still filling in the gaps in my uncles' history, especially of Lui Ka Yin - husband of uncle Andrew's wife Josephine and father of Mabel my cousin who is in her 80's and wishes desperately to know more about her father.

Hoping eagerly to hear from you often with Vincent's present life, and his memories.

God bless you all. Felix

May I invite you to consider joining a group dedicated to the people of the BAAG?
At the suggestion of Ms Elizabeth Ride to start a 'closed' group 'Descendants and Friends of BAAG' on FB to honour all who were in the BAAG, and provide a forum for remembrance and sharing, and maybe even for the occasional socials, a few descendants (myself included) and 2-3 scholars (under the auspices of Ms Ride) have set up a working committee to co-ordinate and maintain a forum and archive where interested parties can register and sign in. Given the potentially sensitive and personal nature of posts and materials, the FB Group will be run as a 'closed' group.
Felix Chanduloy (nephew of Andrew Chanduloy #78 who was with David at Camp X, and Cousin to Mabel Lui, daughter of Lui Ka Yan (Ip Fong) #68)

Hi Felix,

Evie's message "It’s not him in the old photo submitted by e m ride unfortunately" is referring to the photo titled "5 friends, by emride", a few comments higher up this page.

Regards, David