Thomas Abednego NICHOLAS [1893-1942]

Submitted by Admin on
Thomas Abednego
Birthplace (town, state)
Newport, Pembrokeshire
Birthplace (country)


Thomas Abegnego Nicholas was my husband's great uncle. He was born in Newport, Pembrokeshire on the 5th May 1893. He was a merchant seaman on the M V Fook ship he was the ship's officer. He died at the Stanley Camp on the 31st October 1942 aged 48.
Does anyone have any further details?

I think the middle name has a "d", is that right?

Tony Banham's website ( lists him as:

Nicholas, T.A. IAKH

Which means he was interned at the Kowloon Hotel before moving on to Stanley Camp.

Do you know if he was just on a ship that happened to be in Hong Kong in December 1941, or if he lived in Hong Kong?

You might find other mentions of him in some of these resources:

Regards, David

Hi David

We know nothing of Thomas's circumstances, but know he was a merchant seaman and was on the M V FOOK ON. We presume he was just on a ship. My father in law only ever knew he had a uncle who went to China!
Is it possible to make contact with the lady who mentions his name in her diary? Would she have any further information?

Hi Lindsay,

I asked Barbara (the lady who mentions his name in her diary). She replies:

Sorry I don't know anything more about Mr. Nicolas, but in Greg Leck's list of internees, he is shown as 'died TB'. 

The roll-of-honour website says he was the Chief Officer on the M V Fook On. (Definition of Chief Officer: You might want to investigate which company owned the M V Fook On, and whether they have any records of Thomas.

Please let us know if you find out any more.

Regards, David


I have a record of MV Fook On as a British registered ship belonging to the Sai Ming Steam Ship Co - it was in harbour on 8th Dec 1941 when war broke out and was subsequently "sunk in Kowloon Bay probably by own gun fire" 

Best regards,  Philip Cracknell