Chinese town, West Point, H.K. (no. 19.) 1873

From the Wellcome Collection 

The photo is from the book 

Photograph album of landscapes and buildings in Hong Kong, South China and Japan compiled by William Pryor Floyd (1873) [also available here]

On the Wellcome website the following is referred:


Chinese town, West Point, H.K. (no. 19.) Lettering on mount: "Two of the most important native institutions in the colony are given in this view - viz., the Chinese Hospital and the Chinese Theatre. The roof and belfry of the German Mission Church can be seen over the former, while just beyond the church lies a large open space, which the Government has wisely enclosed as a native recreation ground. This part of the ground is named Possession Point. The Theatre may be distinguished by the inscription on the nearest face, visible over the intervening houses. The total native population of Hong Kong is about 120,000 souls."

Date picture taken
1873 (year is approximate)


The name of Sing Ping Theatre "昇平戲園" ("園戲平昇" as appeared in the photo) could be seen on the building.

Hong Kong Daily Press on 29th June 1876:

"The Undersigned has received instructions from the Mortgagee, to Sell by Public Auction (if not previously disposed of by Private Contract), on MONDAY, the 24th day of July next, at 11 o'clock A.M., on the Premises, the SING PING THEATRE, comprising,....."

then later became Po Lok Theatre ("Pok Lok" and "Po Lok" both appeared in materials, yet the latter matches better with "普樂" in Cantonese), which was damaged in the fire in 1886.